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This 'example' is for thoughts, this "example" is for speaks.


Your POV:\
"Mommy, hurry up!" I yelled excitedly and bounce up and down while trying to make my mommy go faster.
Today we'll going to play on a park! But Mommy says that this is a different park. So I am soooooooo excited! 'Mommy also brought snacks! Like, plenty! Maybe we will camping! Or star gazing! And eat plenty of snacks!' Thinking about these stuff make me more and more excited! 'Maybe, we will see a unicorn!' I giggle slightly and run ahead of my mom. I hear her laugh at my excitement and start to walk a little bit faster. Her laugh...sounds kinda off.
But whatever, she will maybe cheer up later when we play games and eat snacks! The thought of that make me want to go there faster, so mommy can be happy again. And food. "Come on Mommy! You're too slow!" I said and start to slow down a bit. "Haha, I'm too old for this Y/n, how about we calm down a bit and enjoy the view." She said and shake her head slightly, but she keep smiling. I nod and start to walk slower and look around, take all the fresh air in. This is nice, maybe not running everywhere and calm down is good after all, and fun too.

A few minutes of walking, which feels like hours later, we are in front of a park. Weird, we are the only one here. But oh well, more play space! I giggle and run around. Ohh there's a swing set! I quickly run over there and sit on it. "Haha! I'm the king and a ruler of this park!" I yelled out and start to swing fast. "And I am a mighty Dragon! RAWR! I will take over this kingdom of yours!" My mommy announced and start to run towards me! I squeak and jump of the swing, holding my stuff dragon tightly and run around. "YOU'RE NEVER GONNA TAKE ME ALIVE!" I screams and laugh as my mommy chasing me around the park. After a while of chasing, I found a stick, A LEGENDARY SWORD! I pick up the sword and the role switch, now I am the one chasing the dragon! "Ahh! I beg for mercy my lord!" My mommy gasped and sit down on the spread out blanket, where the snacks are already prepare.
"Fine, but I'll chose you to be my mighty side kick!" I say and sit down next to my mom. She nod and giggle at me. I smile proudly, that I defeat the evil side of the dragon and save my kingdom. "Now, as a celebration, I say we FEAST!" I says and start to dig in the deserts and sweets. My mom giggle and start to take some bite of the snacks. "Ooooo F/s!(Favorite snack)" I say and grab it, I put it in my mouth and start to eat it.

A few minutes later, I was full and just laying there. I play with my stuffed dragon and sit up. It's getting chilly here. I shudder a little and my mom seems to notice. "Y/n dearie, are you cold?" My mom ask and frown. I nod and start to rub my hand together to get some warmth. She get up and walk to the car and come back with my shark hoodie. I smile and thank her, quickly put the hoodie on.

((I can't fine a better one, so take Gura))"Y/n, let's play Hide and seek" My mom said and smile

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((I can't fine a better one, so take Gura))
"Y/n, let's play Hide and seek" My mom said and smile. My E/c shines and nodded my head quickly. "Ok!" I said and got up. "You count!" I say and start to run to the nearby forest. "Alright, but don't go to deep!" My mom called out. I turn and wave at her. "Okie!" I say and start to go a little deeper in the forest, but not to deep tho, just deep enough so I can't really hear her. I climb a tree and sit on a strong branch, where the leaves and small branches will hide me.
As I wait, I hummed a song that I hear on the television and when my mom sings it to me till I fall asleep. "Run rabbit run..rabbit..run..r..un.." I yawned and decided to take a quick nap, when I wake up, my mommy would find me by then. I drift off into the dreamless sleep.
                            -Time skip-
"Hmm.." I yawn and stretch my arm. I climb down the tree and rub my eyes. "Mommy...?" I called out. My eyes went wide. The scene in front of me..A tear slid down my face, as I run up to my lifeless body. "M-mommy wake up" I shake her and call for her. "Mommy!" Tears fall down like a waterfall down my cheeks. "Wake up please! Someone, please help me!" I call out. "Please...help.." I sob out and start to shake violently. I sit beside my lifeless mom and just cry.
As I cry, I feel a hand lightly rubbing my back. I turn my head towards the owner of the hand and surprise to see a faceless man. He wear a cool suit, and his head look like an egg. "Hello Child." I heard a voice in my head, I assume that is how he talk. "H-hi.." I greet back. "Why are you crying child?" He ask. "My- my mommy..she-" I stutter out, but when I turn my head back, her body is gone. "Mommy..?" I freak out. 'Where is she?!?' I starting to cry more, I'm scared... "Don't worry Child, you're safe now." He said and pull me into a hug. I cling onto his suit like my life depends on it. "You'll never be alone again.. Never." My head suddenly start to hurt. "Owie.." I whisper before I faint in the mystery man arm.

"Rest well child. Papa is here."
Was the last thing I heard before everything went black..

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