"An Invitation"

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Hey hey hey! My buns cub

3rd POV \

The sun shines brightly through the curtains, alarming that the unpleasant morning have arrived.
Our sweet, crackhead Y/n fluttered her eyes open and groan at the sun.
She shoves her head on the pillow more, trying to melt inside it, which, she ofcourse fail.

It was 8.00 AM on a Monday, and Y/N already hate it.
She sigh and count to ten.
"One..Two..Three..Four..Five.. And back to bed." She said and hug her pillow tightly.
Suddenly, she heard a small sigh beside her.
Feeling like she is being watch, she turns around to be met with the smaller male on her nightstand.
"Oh, I forget about you, sorry." She said smiling nervously.
She then stand up from her bed.
"Aren't you gonna make your bed?" The smaller male ask, gesturing his hand towards the messy bed, which is honestly looks like a bird nest, or rat nest.
"Later." She said and walk towards her closet, grabbing a black T-shirt with a swag baby Yoda on the front and a simple ripped jean.
She then walking inside the bathroom, taking a shower.

-Time Skip-

Hoodie wait patiently for Y/n return.
But since he start to get a little bored he decide to 'explore' the room a little bit.
He run towards the edge of the nightstand and jump off it, landing perfectly on your bed. He then begin to slide down the blanket, making it safely down.

He looks around a little.
He then walks underneath your bed, finding a fucking bag of chips.
His stomach growl a little, but him being the 'polite' gentlemen he is..
Drag it out from underneath your bed, and wait for your return.

A few seconds later, the sound of water dripping stop, signaling that Y/n are done showering.

She put on her clothes and walk out of the bathroom, to see the cute male stand beside the bag of chips and wait for her, like a good boy.
She smile at him and walks towards him, bending down and pet his head with her index finger, she then heard his stomach growl, laughing lightly, the male trying to hide his face.
"Ya hungry?" She ask and put her hand infront of him so he could climb up.
He slowly climb up her hand and she, with her free hand, grab the bag of chips and head to the kitchen.

"Do you eat like..ya know, human-y food?" She ask, putting him down on the kitchen island and take out her frying pan. The small man nod and replied with a simple "yeah".
She sigh in relief that she doesn't need to buy things bcuz.. well she is lazy.

Heating up the pan, she took out two eggs that survive from the fucking raid from yesterday.
She then crack em in the bowl and start to stir them. After stirring, she pour some drop of Soy sauce inside it and stir again, after that, she grab the bag of chips and kinda punch it lightly so it was in a small piece, she then put them in the egg bowl and stir again.
The pan seems to get heated so she quickly chop some onion and poured the oil on the pan and then put the chopped onions in.
Hearing the sizzles from the pan she grab her spectular(?) and start to fry the onions till the onion looks brown. She then put the fried onions on a small plate and quickly pour the egg on the pan and making a omelet.
Why am I explaining how she make omelet recipes you may ask? Well.
I don't know either but yeah.
Anyways, enough with fourth wall breaking, back to Y/n and Hoodie, she put the omelet on the plate and put it on the table.

"Uhm, were is my plate?" Hoodie ask.
"You can use that plate, I have my own." Y/n said with a tired tone and yawn.
Hoodie nod and plop down on the table.
Pull up his mask so only his mouth were in the view, he slowly ripped the piece of omelet off and start to chew on it.
Even though you can't see his eyes, you can tell his eyes sparkle slightly when he take the first bite. Eventually, he start to eat more of it. You smile at him and start to eat your breakfast in comfortable silence.
"So..uhm.." Hoodie start but shut his mouth, being an social awkward that he is.
"So, how is the food?" You decide to help him a little by asking how's the food taste.
He nod "It's good" he complimented quietly.

Suddenly, a little ping is heard from the hood man little pocket. He looks at you and you nodded your head, signaling that it was ok to check his phone, even tho he doesn't need to ask.
He looks at his phone and sigh heavily, typing something on his little phone and shut it off.

I raise an eyebrow at him, but decide to not ask about it since it's none of my business.

After I was done with my plate, I put it in the sink, and went back to get Hoodie's plate, and put those plastic wrappers thingy on the plate.

I then decide to put Hoodie on the floor, and give him a fingerboard or whatever it call, just so it'll be easier for him to get to places in the house.
I then walk to my room to get my laptop and phone so I could finally find a job.

After a good 3 hours of trying to find a job, someone finally hired me as a waiter in a little animals cafe. I grin widely, happy that I got a nice simple job. My job start next week and the cafe is only 2-3 hours away from my apartment.

"I got the job!" I squealed and throw both my arm up the air.
"Congratulations" Hoodie said, laying on the coffee table, being bored.
"Thanks!" I said and stretched my arm, hearing a satisfying pop.


I look over at my phone, confuse and curios I reach to my phone and see the notification.

/ !Notification! \
Drowning_Fish69 have sent you an invitation to a group chat server! Accept the invitation?

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