An early "Hi" Is an early "Bye".

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Not me was about to pick Killing Stalking You are my sunshine one- 😔✋
Also, this will mentions a little bit of your body, so if you uncomfy, please skip this crappy chapter 😩.
Y/n POV \
"Hmm.." I open my eyes and look around. 'Where am I..?' I thought before jump out of the bed and make my way towards the door. I peek my head out and look right and left to see if I spot someone who might could help me.
"Morning Child." I jump at the sudden voice and look behind me to see the faceless man stood there.
"H- Hi.." "How are you feeling Child?" He ask and tilt his head slightly. I nod before saying "I am fine, but.." "But what?" "W-where am I?" I ask and look at the floor. "You are home." He sigh and hug me. I feel a little uncomfortable at first before melt in his hug.
He pick me up and start to walk towards the biggest door. I held my dragon close as we entered.

On the middle of the room, there is a giant and long desk where you can fit like probably a million people there! ((Aight, maybe not million, but Y/N is a kid, so she may be a little over-))
On the 4 biggest chairs/seat, there sat 3 people that look like mr. No face.
8lOne of  them have a fedora hat? I don't know what it call, but it look like my uncle hat. He doesn't have eyes but he have a giant mouth! He also have a black Cape thingy. The next person have a long polka dot hat, as well as a polka dot suit. His face look it got draw with marker. But if you look closely enough, you can tell it's a hole. The third person wear glasses and a casual clothes. He doesn't have face like Mr.No face, so I don't know why he need the glass.?
And then, there stand another person. He look like Mr. No face, but he wear a blue suit instead. He wear a long sleeve suit? Maybe it just another size tho. He stand behind the Polka dot suit man.
"Hey Brother!" The Polka dot man said cheerfully. "Who's that little kid?" The one with fedora hat ask. The one with glasses look at me up and down before saying: "You gave me an inspiration to make an animal Hoodie!" He then give me a thumbs up. I giggle a little at him. I then make face contact with the person standing behind the Polka dot man. He jump slightly as I stare at him, before hiding behind the chair the polka dot man sit on. I giggle at him playfully. 'He's weird!' "Hello my brothers. The reason I call you all here is because I want to discuss about her." He said and set me down. 'I'm free!' I giggle and run around, liking to stretch my little leg. My mom did tell me about stranger danger, it just that I feel safe around them. I jogging towards the man behind the chair, staring at him and smile. He chuckle awkwardly and slowly back away from me.

                         -Time Skip-
I yawned as I wait for them to finish talking. As I wait, I notice a little purple light that is behind the door. It was boring so I decided to follow the light.
"Over here" the light say and gone further into the hall. As I was about to follow it, someone have pick me up. I look up to see the awkward man pick me up, and say "That's Dangerous" Before walk with me back to the meeting room. I rolled my eyes slightly and let him drag me away. "Oh, Y/n, there you are." The faceless man said and take me from the other man. "Hi!" I said and hug his neck. "I just remember,  I don't know your name yet!" I said and look at him. "Call me Slender" he said before adding "or Papa.." My eyes went wide and I gasp. "You're my dad?!" I ask excitedly.
"Yes.." he said and nudge his forehead on mine. I giggle and some tears fall down. 'Found my papa' I smile widely at the thought.

5  y e a r s  l a t e r \
"Y/n, dear, come here please." My dad call me and I went to his office. "Yes dad?" I ask. "Hey my little sunflower!" Uncle Offendy said. "My little sweet pie!" I heard uncle Splendy cheer. "Hello My modest model." Uncle Trendy said and wave at me. "Hi Y/n." Said Uncle Surrender and nod his head. "Hi the best uncles!" I cheerfully said and hug them all. "Soo, dad. What do you need?" I ask and give him a smile. "Y/n..." he sigh and the mood drops. "" I look at him confused. "Please forgive me, Y/n.." He said and walk over to me.

3rd POV: \

Y/N looks at Slenderman confuse as he slowly approach her. "Dad stop, you're scaring me.." She whisper and tears start to form on the corner of her eyes. "It's for YOURS safety. Please forgive us, my daughter." He said and place a hand on your forehead. You then faint in his arm as he hug you tightly. "I'm sorry..Please wait for me." Those where the last words you heard before the darkness take over.
Offender place a hand on his shoulder. His smile turn into a sad frown and said "It's for her own safety. You did great" Slenderman nod and pick her up.
They soon teleport her to an adoption center. Offender place the bag beside her and gave her forehead a peck before teleport away. Splendor, Trender and Surrender did the same as Offender and Splendor have some black liquid dripping down from his eyes.
"Please wait for me, Y/n. Let's think this as a little Hide and Seek." He said and pull out the stuffed Dragon. He then said some Magic words to it and it start to glow blue. He put it beside you and said the words that you like to say when you say bye to someone "See you later, Alligator." As he was about to teleport, he then heard you mumble while smiling in your sleep. "After awhile, Crocodile"
That's all it take for him to break down. It all just cost a good bye from you.

                           -Time Skip-

"I swear I heard a voice here!" One of the Nanny state and look around.
"Are you sure you're not paranoid Alice?" The other Nanny ask and look around. "I'm sure- Omg why is that little girl there?!" She yelled and run over to the little girl that passed out.
"Hey sweetie wake up." The nanny said and lightly shake Y/n awake.
"Hmm...Where am I?" Y/n ask and look around. "Do you remember who your parents are?" Y/n nod and say "My mom is dead, and I never know how my dad looks like.." She said sadly and the Nanny nod. The nanny then notice the paper that are in Y/n hands.
"May I see that?" She ask and point at the paper. Y/n nod and hands her the paper. After the Nanny read it, she sigh and stand up. She take her hand out and you hesitantly grab it.
Then y'all walk inside, the other kids stop screaming and stare at Y/n. They then whispering to each other. But since Y/n have an excellent hearing, she is able to pick up some of the word:
"She's weird.."  "She's so Chubby/Skinny!"  "She seems so weak!"  As they laugh.
Tears start to form on the corner of Y/n eyes. The Nanny seems to notice but let it be. That's it until the Nanny, aka Alice, start to get annoyed. "Shut your trap!" She said annoyed and walk faster. The kids then scatter and went back to whatever they were doing.
Y/n calm down a bit and walk side to side to Alice, squeeze her hands tighter.
Alice smile at her and they walk up to a room.
"This is your room. Y/n." Alice said and pat the door. Y/n nod and walk inside, holding her stuff dragon close.
"Welcome to the new home." The other Nanny said and walk away. Alice follows and close the door.
Y/n looks around her room and frown.
'How did I get here?' She thought and sit on the bed.
'Might as well unpack..' she thought and start to unpack.

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