002. [Astronomy Tower]

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"What Are You Doing Here Potter?"

It was nearly close to midnight and Juliet didn't particularly like staying in her dorm during those times; All because she hears Hermione snore like a pig. As much as she loved her best friend, she didn't really adore that one characteristic trait of hers.

After the little tantrum from her twin brother, in Juliet's words, a piece of her heart had broke off. Everything had to go his way. Everything had to go Harry's way. The lies. The "Chosen one" syndrome had kicked in we Harry after 2nd year, she didn't like the way he acted afterwards.

The post she had put up in her social media after Umbridge's doing was simply impulsive. As much as she wanted to take it down afterwards, the school needed to know what was going on. They needed to know what happens behind closed doors.

The little steps of her feet had echoed through the school hallway. She only had worn her wolf slippers that she got from Remus and knitted socks she got from Molly Weasley, along with her red jumper and loose black pyjama trousers. She had put on her robe over them to keep her remotely warmer.

Mixed emotions swirled inside of her as she made her way towards the Astronomy Tower. Her mind was silent, she didn't know what to think as she climbed up the stairs. Her only thought was missing the comfort of the stars. Every single star had a meaning. That's what she loved about the tower, it was only filled with her thoughts, the dark night sky and the bright little dots that spread across them.

When she scrapped her slippers along the concrete floors, she took off her robes and laid it across her lap as she sat on the ledges of the opening of the tower.

It had been a moment or two when her thoughts were interrupted by the footsteps that came up towards the stairs. Juliet instinctively pulled out her wand and raised it to her side.

"Lumos." She whispered.

As the steps came closer, she lifted it up in front of her. Her heart had beaten faster as she started backing up towards the other exit of the tower. The thought of it being filch was close to being zero, he never checks the towers during the night.

"Will you turn the light off?" The voice said irritatingly.

It was him.

Him being Malfoy.

"What the fuck." She murmured, " What are you doing here?"

His body came closer as she put her wand back in her robes. She sighed with relief.

"I could ask you the same question Potter." He sneered.

Juliet shrugged. She saw the small basket he had been carrying and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" As he followed where her eyes were set upon, "oh, that."

"Yeah, why do you even have a basket on you?" She sat back down where last was and turned her head back towards him. He sat down next to her.

"I got these from the kitchen elves," He put the basket in between the both of them, "They're snacks, I tend to have a sweet tooth craving during the night."

"Malfoy? Being into sweet foods?" She asked as she smirked at him. She saw Malfoy roll his eyes as his hand dug into the basket, "I would never expect that. I've always seen you eat healthy foods."

"Oh? So you watch me now?" He mischievously pointed out.

"Oh? So you watch me now?" He mischievously pointed out

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