006. [The Plan]

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"Let's Do It."

Narrator's POV — The Astronomy Tower

Juliet Potter was standing at the top of the Astronomy Tower, watching the stars above her while waiting for Draco Malfoy.

She glanced at her watch that was on her left wrist, and checked at the time — 00:00am, exactly midnight. Juliet was here ten minutes early so she could watch the stars while waiting for Malfoy to come; She enjoyed the silence believe it or not — sometimes she just wants to be left alone, peacefulness completely surrounding her, and leaving her with her thoughts only, that was roaming around her head.

She heard footsteps that was coming from the stairwell entrance of the tower. Juliet quickly turned around only to see the blond boy with his wand, which was lit up, in his hand.
She felt relieved, she thought that it was Filch or a professor that was heading up to where she was.

Her eyes connected with his, they stood there for a minute only staring at each other and silence rose up around them.

But Draco broke down the silence with his voice.

"What did you want me here for, Potter?" Draco's voice echoed through the tower, his angelic voice sent chills up Juliet's spine, "I don't have time for this bullsh—"

"Then why did you come?" Juliet cut him off before he finished his sentence, "I mean if I'm wasting your time, why did you come to the Astronomy tower?"

"You asked me to,"

"But you didn't have to come up here," She softly said, "And you did."

Draco's grey eyes glared at her, his nostrils flaring up in rage — he felt frustrated, he didn't know why but he did. I mean, he could've just stayed in his dorm and doing Merlin knows what. But he had the sudden urge to immediately get up and go to the Astronomy Tower, just to see Juliet Potter.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" He asked, ignoring Juliet's last statement and walking over next to her.

"You want to annoy my brother right?" She asked and Draco nodded in response, "Well since he won't talk to be and it's been a month, I was like: "Oh since he won't talk to me, I need to get his attention by doing something he hates." Or "by hanging out with someone he hates"."

"Where is this going?" Draco sighed and crossed his arms.

"Well who does my brother hate, other than Voldemort but he's dead?" She asked amusingly as she smirked.



"What does this got to do with me though?" Draco furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"How about I make a deal where both of us date by getting my brother's attention since you hate him and I need him to get to me," Juliet smirked as she spoke, "I heard that you like Astoria and she's currently dating Graham Montague, apparently she likes you back. This could benefit you also:

Getting Astoria to notice you and getting my brother to talk to me, so what do you say?" She asked with hope in the tone of her voice.

Juliet was desperate. She couldn't live without her brother, she would go to extreme measures just for him to talk to her again.

The silence was deafening. It was filled in the air around them; Draco was in deep thought, debating whether or not he should fake date Juliet.

I mean it could— wait. Let me rephrase that.

It will benefit the both of them in the future:
Harry talking to Juliet again, Draco annoying Harry, Astoria noticing Draco, Making Astoria furious because of Juliet...

The possibilities are endless.

The only cons are:
1). Draco's father would scold Draco.

2). Juliet's friends would hate her.

3). It would probably go on the Daily Profit.

The silence was broken down by Draco, answering Juliet with one hundred percent of confidence and no regrets with:

"Let's do it."

Both Juliet and Draco were sitting at the edge of the Astronomy Tower, planning their operation.

"What should we do first?" Draco asked while narrowing his eyes, thinking of ways to break it out to the whole school — or the whole wizarding world.

"Well I was thinking," She began, "Maybe we should start by making it anonymous by posting images and hidden messages on social media."

He nodded.

"For instance," She continued, "You could post a picture of us two sitting in the Astronomy Tower, but we need to make sure that they can't see the both of us, but mostly me."

"Actually," He smirked, "That's a great idea."

Juliet smiled at Draco with full proudness in her eyes.

"And then, maybe the next day or after I post the picture," Draco said, "You could post a picture, something to do with—"

"The stars because it's related to the picture you posted." Juliet finished Draco's sentence and gave him a smirk.


"Alright we should do it now."

Astoria and Daphne are fraternal Twins in this story, making Astoria attending fifth year.
I do not necessarily hate Astoria, but right now I do just for this FanFic.

I do not necessarily hate Astoria, but right now I do just for this FanFic

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By Prada1smyb1tch
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