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"At least he can have her now"

Great Hall || Slytherin Table — 12:13pm

Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini were sat on the left side of the table whereas Daphne Greengrass and Pansy Parkinson were sat on the right side of the table, near the Gryffindors.

"Are we gonna talk about the fact that Greengrass and Montague broke up because Astoria likes Malfoy?" Blaise chuckled and sipped his goblet that was filled with Pumpkin Juice.

"Astoria Greengrass..." Pansy started as she gestured her right hand up, "And Draco Malfoy," she then gestured her left hand up and was in deep thought. Suddenly she dropped her hands dramatically down to her lap, "I don't see it." Pansy shook her head and sighed.

Draco scoffed while he rolled his eyes — and took a bite from a green apple that he took from the bowl, which was set right in front of him.

It wasn't a secret in the Slytherin House that Draco Malfoy had a massive crush on Astoria Greengrass. In fact she knew that he liked her but she was with Graham Montague — who was now her ex boyfriend.

"At least he can have her now," Theo said amusingly, then laughed along with Blaise as he nudged Draco.

"I highly doubt that's gonna happen," Daphne disagreed while taking a strawberry and popped it into her mouth, "I mean, he has that mystery girl that everyone is eager to know who,"

Daphne wiggled her eyebrows at him as Pansy bit her lip, trying not to laugh — whereas Theo and Blaise failed at hiding their laugh and bursted out laughing, catching the attention of Juliet. Draco just smirked and shook his head.

Draco lifted up his head and saw Juliet, who was also looking at him; She smiled at the blond and he smiled back. This had caught Parkinson's attention and turned around to see Juliet and Draco smiling at each other.

Pansy's eyes went from Draco, to Juliet, then back to Draco.

Draco felt Pansy looking at him, so he diverted his gaze from Juliet to Pansy — who was smirking knowingly at him as she wiggled her eyebrows. Draco's smile faltered and turned into a frown, he then huffed and turned away.

Both Juliet and Draco knew this was an act.
But was it? Both their smiles seemed genuine.

Great Hall || Gryffindor Table — 12:13pm

Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter were sat on the left side of their house table — turned away from the Slytherin table, while they faced Juliet Potter and Ron Weasley — who were sat on the right side, facing the Slytherin table.

"I mean you can't honestly let her do that again Harry!" Hermione exclaimed as she slammed her book on the table, making Harry flinch while Juliet snickered. Juliet's snicker caught Hermione's attention, "And you!" The brunette witch pointed her finger towards the raven-haired girl, "You are keeping secrets from us! Who is this mystery person that everyone is so eager to know about!?"

"I don't know what you are talking about..." She said slowly, looking around the Great Hall — trying avoiding her friend's eyes.

"I dOn'T kNoW wHaT yOu ArE tAlKinG aBoUT," Ginny mocked Juliet, "Bullshit."

"You are keeping secrets from us!" Hermione exclaimed, once again as Juliet glared at Ginny.

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