003. [Only A Dream]

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"She won't get up😑"

The Next Morning:
Juliet believed that it was only a dream, however it was not. The moment Draco and Juliet had been ruined by a voice.

"Come on, Mrs Norris," The voice echoed from down stairs, "Let's go check up the Astronomy tower."

It was Filch and his cat.

Draco and Juliet panicked as they looked at on another.

"What do we do?" Juliet whispered as panic wavers her voice, "We're gonna get caught if we don't move."

"I know a way," Draco whispered in response, he took her hand and dragged her from the other side of the tower, "Behind this door leads us to a spiral staircase which would lead us near the Ravenclaw tower."

They stood in front of the dark oak wood door. Mr. Filch's footsteps were coming closer which had increased both Juliet's and Draco's heart beat.

Draco took out his wand and casted a spell to open the door, "Alohamora,"

He pushed the door and grabbed Juliet hand. Juliet was dragged behind Draco as they ran down the green spiral stair case.

Meow, Filch's cat

They ran,

and ran,

and ran,

Knowing that Mrs Norris was chasing them; until they reached to another door.

"Where does this door lead us now?" Juliet asked Draco.

"Next to the Ravenclaw Tower," He shortly replied, only focusing on the lock, he took out his wand again and pointed it to the wooden door, "Alohamora."

He pushed the door open and entered with Juliet, who was trailing behind him. Draco casted the locking spell after they had exited the door.

They were trying to catch their breath.

Both Juliet and Draco stayed silent as they stood right next to the Ravenclaw Tower. They didn't know what to say next, the atmosphere between the two of them had become awkward.
They looked at each other and looked away once they had both caught each other's eyes.

Draco's cold front had been put up again, hiding his soft side that he just showed Juliet Potter.

"We do not speak of this again," Draco commanded sternly, "We didn't see each other, we didn't talk, we will go back to how we were and forget that this night had happened."

Juliet looked at him confused, but she understood where he was coming from — she nodded slightly, avoiding his eyes.

"Good." And with that, Draco took off and headed towards the Slytherin Dungeons.

Juliet was uncertain whether or not it was a dream.
She knew if she told anyone, even Ginny and Hermione, they wouldn't have believed her.

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