Ch 9: The Truth Hurts

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You really were not looking forward to showing Scout the comics. The whole 'Spy is your dad' thing was the biggest revelation that you were not looking forward to. You knew there would be a blow up from that for, well, a lot of reasons really. With that said you knew there would probably be issues from other things in the comics although how Scout would react to any of that was anyone's guess.

Your Scout was from 1968. The comics that dealt with the whole classic team fortress team, and the trip to the underwater New Zealand happened sometime in the early 70's. You had no idea how Scout would react to the idea that in the future he might die, go to Heaven, and then get brought back to life like he's freaking Lazarus.

Heck, even ignoring the whole death and revival thing you had no idea how Scout would react to the bit of news that technically speaking Miss Pauling and the Administer worked with the BLU team along with the RED team. A lot of these things would be pretty big revelations all on their own. Yet, you were going to be dropping all of this info onto Scout in one night.

If it didn't cause even a slight bit of chaos you would eat your computer.

Although, honestly there was really no telling if anything that happened in the comics in the so called 'future' would actually apply to your Scout. For all you knew ripping Scout out of his own world, and flinging him into your world could have drastically altered things for him. At this point you didn't even know if it was possible for him to actually go home. If he was truly stuck in your world, then everything in the comics could not actually happen to him.

As you sat there on Scout's bed bringing the tf2 comics up on the laptop you almost wished you could just chancel the whole thing, and forget that the comics ever existed. With that said you knew there was no going back. All you could do was charge full steam ahead. Upon bringing the page with the comics up you pushed the laptop so that it was more in front of the both of you. The second Scout saw the page his eyes widened a little.

"The video game came first," You said slowly. "But they quickly started making comics about your team's exploits."

Scout blinked a few times obviously unsure of what to say, or where to even start looking.

"I'm not going to lie to you. Some of the stuff you read here will probably change how you look at some of your teammates. There will be some things that you probably won't like."

You paused slightly when you saw Scout look a bit worried upon hearing that. He was obviously wondering just what the heck he was going to see in these comics. You wished you could reassure him that it wouldn't be that bad, but...

Well, it would be that bad. Heck, it might be even worse than whatever he was imagining.

There was no sugarcoating any of this. There was no way to really soften the blow for him.

All you could really do was say "I'll be here to try and answer any questions that you might have."

Scout nodded as he stared at the page. He obviously didn't know where to start. You could not really blame him. There was a lot on the page. There were the comics tied to updates, and then there were the regular comics. There were also the Saxton Series although those were not really important in the grand scheme of things. The Saxton Series were just comic book covers to give the tf2 world a bit more flavor.

To help out a bit you said "You don't have to bother with the Saxton Series. Those are just comic book covers, or postcards that have a bit of flavor text about the Saxton comic."

"Trust me I wasn't going to bother with em'" Scout said. "I read a few of them back in my own world, and once was honestly enough for me."

"They that bad?" You asked slowly.

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