Ch 4: Fun and games

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Getting your old phone all set up and ready for Scout to use ended up taking longer than you expected. You remembered that you had it in your room in a drawer somewhere. Unfortunately, you couldn't remember which drawer you had shoved it into. At first that didn't seem like too big of a deal. You didn't have that many places that you had to check, and you had Scout there to help you look for it. With two people looking how long could it possibly take?

Well, you are a video game addict with games and gadgets lying around all over the place. You also have an overly curious man from the past who had no clue what any of the video game related gadgets were, and he didn't hesitate to ask questions about them. Add those two things together, and you might as well shove any sort of hope of finding the phone quick right out the window.

To be fair he was trying to help, and honestly you were just as guilty at the whole wasting time thing. The problem with that is that when it came to the things you loved you tended to become a bit of a motor mouth. You could chatter on about video games forever, and the fact that you had a captive audience really didn't help matters.

 The second Scout opened up the drawer where you kept most of your things relating to your handheld games you were pretty much doomed to waste a lot of time. When he opened the drawer his eyes lit up upon finding something that interested him.

"What's this?" He asked as he held up a (favorite color) Gameboy SP.

"Oh, that's a Gameboy SP. It's a handheld video game system. It plays Gameboy games and Gameboy advance games."

"Oh," Scout said slowly. "So could it play that Team Fortress 2 game thing that my team is in?"

You let out a small laugh at the idea. "No way. Team Fortress 2 was never released on SP. Some games only come out on certain systems. The SP isn't a system that was made to play online games anyway."

He clearly didn't understand what online meant, and you had a brief inner panic when you realized you would have to actually explain the concept of the internet in depth to him sooner or later. That was going to be a bit difficult to explain, but you would cross that bridge later.

For now, you just said "When it comes to games being able to play online usually means being able to play with anyone from around the world. Like the people I was playing Team Fortress 2 with? They could have been from anywhere. They could live somewhere in California, or they could be in Virginia. When playing games online with other people the person you could be playing with could be someone who lives in Japan, Canada, or in Germany. All you really need is a halfway decent internet connection to play games with other people from all over the world."

Scout looked a bit mystified at that thought. "Geez, you can really play games with people so far away? I thought at most the people you were playing with were like in this town."

"Welcome to the future, Bright Eyes. These days it is common for people to befriend others online. By just hoping onto a computer you can start talking to someone that is halfway across the world in a matter of seconds."

Scout had looked thoughtful upon hearing that as he put the Gameboy SP back. You turned your attention away from Scout as you started digging through the drawer you were looking through. You honestly were not finding the phone in there. The drawer was just filled to the brim with pens, pencils, printer paper, and a few notebooks in case you needed to take notes for something. That something usually ended up being taking notes for when you playing puzzle heavy games that required notetaking, but hey.

"What are these things?"

You looked up only to see that Scout had pulled two of your amiibo off of the shelf that you had them all lined up on. Your bookshelf mostly held books and computer games on it, but there was one shelf that you had dedicated to holding your action figures and other small memorabilia. You actually had a decent collection of amiibo. You hadn't really intended to get so many at first.

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