Ch 2: Stuck in another world

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After mentally freaking out for a good five minutes you were able to calm yourself down enough to move the Scout onto your bed. He was just light enough that you were able to haul him over to your bed without too many issues. You ended up taking his hat and headphones off to place them on your bedside table. You even took off the little black bag that he was wearing. The bag felt a bit heavy to the point that you couldn't help but unzip it to get a look inside. Upon seeing the metal of the Scout's scattergun you promptly zipped the bag closed again and dumped the bag in your closet. You slammed the door to your closet shut and decided right then and there that you were so not dealing with that right now.

Once you had him lying down on your bed in a comfortable position you checked him over for any serious injuries. For the most part he looked fine. He had a couple of scrapes and cuts that looked like they came from a bad fall. Serious enough for you to break out the box of bandages, but not serious enough for you to have to drag him to the hospital. You went to the bathroom and quickly grabbed what you needed. Once you had everything in hand you rushed back into your bedroom and started treating his wounds.

When you were finished you flopped down onto your desk chair and just stared at him. He looked so peaceful lying there on your bed. He seemed to be breathing easy, and he didn't look like he was feeling any pain. He looked like he had just fallen asleep, and had not passed out. You had to admit he was a handsome young man although you didn't spend much time taking in his looks. Just looking at him caused your previous panic to come back. One question after another popped into your head so fast that you could barely process any of it.

How did a freaking video game character end up dropping into your bedroom?

Why did he appear in your house of all places?

Scout was real? Did that mean the other mercs were real too? Did that mean their whole world was real?

What the heck were you going to do with this guy?

While your mind was able to come up with an almost never ending amount of questions you were unable to come up with any answers. You had no idea what to do with him, or why he showed up in your house of all places. You didn't know how he got here. Of course upon thinking of that you could not help but look back at your computer. Team Fortress 2 was still running although the 'he's here' message was now gone. Instead, the only thing there was the previous update that you had seen earlier.

He will not stay lost for long.

You couldn't help but let small sigh upon reading that. Well, the message wasn't wrong. Scout didn't stay lost for long. He crash landed right into your bedroom soon after you found out he had gone missing. Heck, now that you were thinking about it was his appearance here in your home the reason why he wasn't in the game anymore? Scout couldn't appear in the game because he was now apparently passed out in your world? How did that work?

You could already feel your brain start to overload itself with more questions, but you quickly pulled the breaks on that before it could continue. There was no point asking questions that you couldn't answer. It would accomplish nothing in the end. As you stared at your computer screen you couldn't help but also notice the title of the update.

Something went wrong with the teleporter.

As you read that title you could almost feel a few pieces of this confusing puzzle click into place. Is that what happened to the Scout? He used a teleporter to go somewhere, and for whatever reason instead of getting where he wanted to go something went wrong and he ended up teleported to your world? It honestly made the most sense. The teleporting noises that your headphones had made when Scout was getting dropped onto your lap combined with the 'something is wrong with the teleporter' message made it pretty clear that a teleporter was the source of your problem here. Although exactly why and how a teleporter could cause this was the million-dollar question.

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