P:2 Ch:1

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After Eren's battle with the Female Titan, Annie was taken away to a cell deep underground where she would be interrogated. Everyone felt was they were being watched. A soldier looked up at the wall and noticed a hole in the wall with a Titan in it.

"Look! What is that thing?!" a soldier said pointing toward the wall.

"A Titan!" a soldier said.

Hanji came running with her squad. Hanji was shocked at the sight.

"Section Commander, your orders." Moblit said.

"Well, I'm not sure." Hanji said.

Hanji then felt a hand on her shoulder looked behind her to see Pastor Nick who was breathing heavy.

"Whatever you do, don't let sunlight touch it!" Pastor Nick said. His eyes were wide open.

*Time Skip*

Commander Erwin was walking with his men.

"For the time being, we've covered the Wall Titan with sheets. It seems to be holding up. Further measures will be taken after sundown, Commander." a soldier said.

"I see.' Erwin said.

"What are we supposed to make of this, sir? I never imagined there could be Titan inside the walls." the soldier said.

"No one did. There are only those who knew and those of us completely in the dark." Erwin said.

*Time Skip*

The Military Police was cleaning up after the battle, finding bodies of those who died during the battle. Marlo was getting frustrated.

"What's the deal? This is an earth-shattering discovery. What's the point on playing it off?!" Marlo said somewhat angered.

"Status quo, right? Yeah, higher-ups always play it close to the vest. All this carnage, and they couldn't even bother to come up with a decent cover-up story." Hitch said.

*Time Skip*

Hanij was on top of the wall with Pastor Nick.

"Alright, you want to tell what is going on? Why is there a Titan inside the wall? What's it doing inside the wall? And why did you choose to keep it a secret? I need answers and I'm going to need them right now." Hanji stated.

"I don't have time for this nonsense! I'm a busy man. My flock has been devastated! I demand restitution! Do you know who I am? Let me down from here this instant!" Pastor Nick demanded.

"Certainly." Hanji said as she grabbed Pastor Nick and held him over the wall.

"Will straight down do it?" Hanji asked.

"Let me ask you something. Do you have any idea how many Scouts have died fighting these monsters? More than you can count! They died fighting for your freedom! I was with them. I was willing to lie down my whole life! Now, are you going to explain or take the plunge?" Hanji questioned.

"Let go! Unhand me!" Pastor Nick shouted.

"That's kind of what I had in mind." Hanji said plainly.

"Do it!" Pastor Nick shouted.

"Don't try to call my bluff!" Hanji said in a cold tone.

"Section Commander! Don't do this!" Moblit said behind her.

"You think I'm afraid to die in the surface of my belief? We fulfill our duty whatever the cost! So, let me go this instant!" Pastor Nick shouted.

Pastor Nick waited for Hanji to let go, but Hanji threw him back to the wall.

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