P:2 Ch:12

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The Smiling Titan approached Eren and Mikasa. The same feeling of helplessness ruled over them. Eren's eyes were peeled open he began to remember the moment the Titan ate his mother. Eren was almost paralyzed in fear. The Smiling Titan reached its hand out for Eren. Mikasa tackled Eren to the ground. Mikasa was on top of Eren thinking that were both going to die together. The hand kept getting closer but was stopped when a man interfered. It was Hannes.

"Hannes...Don't" Eren said. For the first time through their years of being soldiers, Eren was overwhelmed.

Hannes then cut the thumb off the Titan. Hannes laughed as he was filled with courage.

"Can you believe this luck?! Crazy right? Watch me! This is the least that I owe your mother! She'll finally have the vengeance she deserves!" Hannes said then shot a hook straight to the Titan's head.

"No... Please stop." Eren said. His voice cracked from the stress of the situation.

Hannes began slashing away at the Titan. He began to slash at its arms and slowly made his way down. Mikasa stood and was struggling to keep herself up.

"Mikasa, please stop. You're in no condition." Eren said as he sat up.

Mikasa was about to attack but fell to the floor from the sharp pain coming from her ribs. Eren stayed by her side. They both watched as Hannes played with his food. He was making some decently shallow cuts on the Titan. Hannes then made a deep cut in the Achilles tendon of the Smiling Titan and it fell to the floor. He was in the air about to go for the killing blow when it grabbed him. Eren instantly stood up. He raised his hand to his face and began biting his hand repeatedly. Desperation hit hard.

"Come on!"

Mikasa was behind Eren and was watching in horror. Eren stopped biting his hand as he saw the Titan open its mouth. They could both hear Hannes's struggle to free himself. The Smiling Titan then bit Hannes in half and the blood spewed like rain. The blood rain painted the ground red. The flowers and their distinctive colors were lost to the redness of blood. Eren saw Hannes's eyes lose all life as they closed.

Eren's face changed from one full of stress and desperation to one full of grief and distraught. His arms slumped and his legs began to shake. The glistening in his eyes disappeared and his legs finally gave up on him. He has lost all hope. Eren fell to the floor on his hands and knees. His breathing was shaky, his eyes were pooled with tears, and a river of tears streamed down his face. Mikasa had a clear view of Eren's face, and her heart shattered seeing him in such state. Such a strong man reduced to a broken mess on the floor.

Eren's shaky breathes slowly turned to laughter. Laughs full of sadness with the occasional gasps for air.

"Nothing has changed...Nothing at all!"

"You're still the same useless piece of shit! "

Eren then let out scream. Years of pent-up emotion were let out in that one scream. From his mother to his squads that he had to witness die in front of him. He was sent over the edge.

"Mother...I'm sorry...I wasn't strong enough. I'm worthless."

"Eren." An angelic voice behind Eren said.

Eren sat himself up and looked at Mikasa.

"That isn't true."

Eren's eyes widened. Mikasa reached her hand out and wiped all the tears from his face. A warm smile grew on her face. Everything around them seemed to have disappeared.

"Eren, listen..."

"Thank you...I've been waiting to tell you that."

"For fighting. For always standing by me...Thank you. You showed me how to live with purpose...Thank you. And you...wrapped this scarf around me...Thank you."

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