P:2 Ch:8

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After the battle with the Armor and Colossal Titans, Eren was captured and left some of the Scout members injured. Armin was watching over Mikasa who was unconscious. Hannes walked up to Armin.

"Oh man, what a mess. Count your lucky stars we were all the way up here How badly wounded is Mikasa?" Hannes asked.

"There aren't any wound to speak off. It's most likely just a concussion." Armin stated.

"Could be worse. I've got food if you are hungry. Have you eaten yet?" Hannes asked.

Armin nodded a "no". Hannes patted his head and walked away. Mikasa was having a dream of her past back when Eren was a hot-headed little brat.


Mikasa was buying groceries for Carla. Armin came running toward Mikasa breathing heavy.

"Mikasa. Eren's in trouble." Armin said.

"What kind of trouble?" Mikasa asked worried.

"It's those three bullies again. They took the bread I just bought. I told Eren about it and-" Armin said then Mikasa handed him a basket full of groceries.

Meanwhile, Eren was surrounded by the three bullies.

"Give it back." Eren said angrily.

"Did you plug your ears or something? I told you I already ate the whole thing. Tasty." the blonde-haired one said.

Eren's eyes grew cold.

"That was three days' worth of food." Eren said.

"You gotta be kidding, right? Those table scraps?" the one behind Eren said.

"Knock it off. You'll make me feel bad. Whatever, since you wanted it back so damn much. *Blagh*" the blonde said while making barfing noises. The other two bullies began laughing.

"You know what? I'll make you pay another way." Eren said coldly.

Eren punched the blonde one and threw him against the wall. The other two joined, but Eren was very quick and had fast reflexes. Eren ended up dodging their punches, he kicked one of them by the rear causing him bang his head against the wall and knocked him on top of blonde one who was against the wall.

One of the merchants noticed the brawl and called out for help. Hannes and the other guards were drinking.

"Oh, c'mon. They're kids. Let them work it out. He can handle it himself." Hannes said.

Two out of the three bullies were out cold. Leaving only one left. The last one was scared of Eren. Mikasa and Armin came running towards Eren. Mikasa kicked the last one in the face which sent him toward the other two who were piled on top of each other.

"How many more beatings will it take for you to learn? You better have second thoughts next time." Eren said in an angered tone to the three unconscious bullies. Eren turned to Armin and Mikasa.

"Eren, you need to get home and chop wood. You don't want your mom getting mad." Mikasa said.

"Right." Eren said and the three began walking away.

"Armin, I can buy you another piece of bread if you'd like." Eren said.

"It's fine. Thank you." Armin said.

Eren and Mikasa went back home.

*End Flashback*

Mikasa woke up and immediately freaked out. She began questioning Armin where Eren was.

"Where is Eren? Where did he go?" Mikasa questioned while grabbing onto his cloak.

"Calm down. Wait, you shouldn't. We don't know how badly you're hurt." Armin shouted as Mikasa ran toward the edge of the wall.

Mikasa looked over the edge of the wall and was met with a giant crater.

"Where is he?" Mikasa asked once again.

"Eren and Ymir were taken. Reiner and Bertholdt abducted them...He fought, but the Armored Titan was just too-... That was about five hours ago." Armin said looking down.

"Somebody's gone after them, right? Tell me somebody went after them." Mikasa questioned with her eyes peeled open.

"No. I'm sorry." Armin said.

"Why not!" Mikasa yelled in front of Armin's face.

"We wanted to, but the horses are on the other side of the wall. Our only option is to wait. In order to rescue Eren, we have to wait for the lifts to come so we can move the horses. There's nothing we can do. Section Commander Hanji and the other officers are too injured to move. We don't have enough soldiers to form a scouting party. Even a small one will need more than this. We just can't do it. Understand?" Armin explained.

Mikasa then felt a headache form.

"Damn it! Not this again!" Mikasa said while holding her head.

"You feel any pain?" Armin asked.

"No. I hit my head, but I think I'm okay now. Don't worry about it. It just...not the first time I've been down this road. Except when Annie took him. I didn't waste a second. That's how Captain Levi and I were able to get him back. But it's already been five hours." Mikasa said in saddened tone.

Mikasa grabbed her scarf and wrapped it around herself.

"Armin, why did he do it? He never leaves us." Mikasa said.

"I don't know. Even when he was younger, he was always with us. He's always there for us. Eren has changed a lot, but at the same time he hasn't. The Eren we have now is much calmer, reserved, and well...mature. That roar he let out....it was a signal. A warning for us to get out of the way. He didn't want us to get hurt. He cares for us deeply. Eren has always been...abnormal; he has always been strong." Armin said.

"I don't want much...I just want to be with him...That's all I...want." Mikasa said on the verge of tears. 

Hannes walked toward the two with the field rations he had with him.

"Good, you're awake. Must be starving. Here." Hannes said as he handed Mikasa a ration and threw one at Armin. Hannes then sat on the floor.

"Sorry it's only field rations, but it's better than nothing." Hannes said while unwrapping the ration.

"This feels unfamiliar. The three of you have always been together ever since the good ol' days. That little hot head always knew how to handle problems himself. From what I can recall. Different time, different place, different problem. It's just odd for him to leave. Am I wrong?" Hannes said.

Armin laughed a little.

"You're not wrong. But I feel that calling Eren a hot-head doesn't suit the Eren we have now." Armin said with a faint smile on his face.

"Yeah. I suppose your right. He can hold his own, even when he was younger. If five guys want to take him on, he wouldn't hesitate to jump to action. By the time Mikasa shows up, he's already beaten them all to hell. But you know...I've always seen Eren win. I've never seen him loose once, but even when things don't go his way, he never seems to give up. Kid's got fire. His strength and persistence always scares the shit out of me. He could get knock on his ass and he would get right back up. That's just who he is. Think he would let himself be snatched up without putting up a fight? Not a chance. If you could count on anything is that Eren will give them hell. That's how it's always been right? The kid's changed but it doesn't mean the Eren we used to know is gone." Hannes said.

Armin and Mikasa's eyes lightened up.

"Eren needs you two. And you both need Eren. He's always been there for you, it's about time you be there for him. It wouldn't be the good ol' days unless the three of you were together." Hannes added.

Armin and Mikasa slightly furrowed their eyebrows and began eating their field rations.

It was time for Armin and Mikasa to stick up for the only person who has been there for them. He is theirs's and humanity's salvation.

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