P:2 Ch:9

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Commander Erwin and the Survey Corps formed a party to rescue Eren. Hanji stayed behind as she was in no condition to go. Eren woke up and Reiner and Bertholdt where in a tree branch above him. Eren couldn't feel his arms and looked down to see he was missing his arms.

"Good, you're finally awake." Reiner said.

"Oh, would you look at that. My arms are missing." Eren said sarcastically.

"I'm not in any better shape here, Jaeger. Seems were both having a shit day." Ymir said while moving around her missing hand and foot.

"Seems like it." Eren said.

"Sorry, that's our fault. You can pin your injuries on me. Guess I was kinda in a hurry back there." Reiner said.

Eren took a look around the area. There where Titans and they where in a giant forest.

"Seems like there no point in trying to escape. We're in a giant forest filled with big-ass trees in the middle of nowhere." Eren said.

"I know they're coming. I can feel it." Eren thought.

"Yep. We're deep in the heart of Titan country, see? Buddy down there is an abnormal. It may look like he's kicking back, but those eyes haven't left us once. There are plenty of small ones down there, which is already bad enough. Another big one over there, Fixated, but keeping his distance. Strikes me as the shy type. And there's these chumps. Dirty bastards. They're the only ones with any ODM gear on. Reiner took your gear. Turning into a Titan isn't gonna do much for us right now." Ymir explained as she leaned on Eren's shoulder.

"She's right. You can't turn into Titans right now anyways. Don't count on that ability coming to the rescue. The body can only take so much. It's a little preoccupied with healing at the moment." Reiner stated.

"Hm. Is that so? Do you need me to shove another blade down your throat?" Eren threaten Reiner which made him scared.

"Hey, Reiner. You said you'd start talking once Eren was up. Don't you think it's about time somebody explains what you are trying to do with us?" Ymir questioned.

"We're taking you to our hometown. Of course, I realized none of you were gonna do as I ask. Like Ymir said, this place is crawling with Titans. We could beat the living shit out of each other if that's what you want. I wouldn't recommended. The Titans down there would just come up and eat us. Our options are limited. So, we'll have to wait until nightfall, when the Titans can't move." Reiner explained.

"So, why didn't you just stay in Titan form and run all the way home? What's the point in stopping here in the first place? Did you get winded and decide to take a break."? Ymir said.

"Why don't you use your imagination?" Reiner said.

"There's no point in trying. If I was at full strength, then maybe I could escape. But judging by the fact that my body is healing, I wouldn't be able to transform. Escaping would mean the death of me." Eren thought.

"So, we're just gonna sit on our asses 'til the sun goes down?" Ymir asked.

"That's a possibility." Reiner said.

"Why wait until nightfall. That will only make it harder for them to restrain us. They both know they can't stop me. What exactly are they planning? They'll make their move while we're still helpless." Eren thought.

"The Titans at the castle were able to move at night. Why can't these ones do the same?" Ymir questioned.

"The Titans here can't move after dark. But you should know all about that. Don't you, Ymir?" Reiner questioned.

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