P:2 Ch:5

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The 104th Cadet Corps was training in the snow. Armin, Eren, and Mikasa were together. Mikasa was covering her face with the red scarf Eren gave her. Even with all the snow gear, it was still cold.

"Man, it's so cold. Feels like my balls are gonna drop." Eren thought.

In the distance, everyone saw the cabins where they would rest. Everyone saw a higher-up waving at them. Everyone arrived at the cabins.

"9 hours 12 minutes. Not bad given the conditions you had to trudge through." the higher-up said.

Everyone went and sat on the floor. Eren and Mikasa weren't really that tired so they stood.

"Anyone else not feel their legs." Jean said.

"I wish they'd let us inside already." Connie complained.

"I bet they're busing laying out a massive banquet for us as we speak! Yum...." Sasha said then began to drool.

Reiner then came toward the group.

"Hey! Anybody seen Christa?" Reiner asked.

"Not for a while. She was with Daz, but he wasn't doing so good." Mikasa said.

"Yeah. Well, he's not here. Ymir isn't back yet either." Reiner stated.

"Maybe they're with the last squad." Marco suggested.

"Can't be. The last squad was led by Thomas, just arrived. Says they never saw them." Reiner explained.

"Hold on, do you think they're lost?" Armin asked shocked.

"Rough, if they get stuck out there in the snowstorm, they're done for." Connie stated.

Eren remained quiet. Although, he was worried about them.

"Everyone, in the cabin now. A rescue team will be sent out at first light." the higher-up stated.

A gust of freezing cold wind then blew by everyone. Mikasa hugged Eren's arm for warmth. Everyone then went inside the cabin. Eren went straight toward the fireplace and turned it on. He took off all his snow gear since there was no need for it no more.

Meanwhile, Christa and Ymir were dragging Daz's body. It was dark, the snow was up to their knees, and the wind got fiercer. Ymir was telling Christa to give up and let Daz go, but Christa refused and continued to forward. Christa was tired and then fell to the floor. Christa got up and continued to move forward until they got to the ledge of a cliff. Ymir grabbed Daz and pushed Christa aside making her roll down the slope of the cliff. Christa got up and saw that Ymir was gone with no trace.

Everyone else was back at the cabin. Reiner, Bertholdt, Connie, Sasha, and Marco were geared up ready to go back outside to find Christa, Ymir, and Daz. Eren sitting by a table drinking tea, Armin and Mikasa were with him when he saw the five all geared up.

"Room for more in that search party of yours?" Eren asked.

"Sure, more eyes, the better right?" Bertholdt stated.

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin got into their snow gear. As soon as they got prepared, everyone heard a strange sound outside. Everyone went to check it out and saw someone in the distance. It was Ymir. Ymir told the group not worry and that she'll wait for Christa. Everyone understood and went back inside.

*Time Skip*

It was dawn and Christa finally managed to get back. She saw Ymir sitting waiting for her. Christa ran over to her.

"It's about time. You decided to take the scenic route. I told Reiner and everyone else I'd wait out here to be your welcoming committee." Ymir said.

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