P:2 Ch:3

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"Connie, have you found any survivors?" Reiner asked running up to Connie with Bertholdt behind him.

"No... None...My home...it's gone...it's gone forever." Connie said as he began to cry. Reiner showed some sympathy and patted Connie's shoulder. The higher-up then came up to them.

"Hey! Something's wrong. Have you spotted any bodies?" the higher-up asked.

"No" Reiner simply said.

"No. Not yet." Bertholdt said.

"How is that even possible? Titans ransacked this place and there's not a speck of blood?" the higher-up stated curiously.

"They must have fled! The villagers I mean. They all escaped, and your family too!" the other higher-up stated.

"I see...That's gotta be it!" Connie said relieved.

"Yeah. It's the only logical explanation on why there's no trace of well...carnage." the other higher-up stated.

"Anyone not have a torch? Okay, let's move!" the higher-up said.

The higher-up then ran off with everyone else following behind. Everyone got on their horses and began to leave. Connie was about to leave when he heard the Titan that was on sitting on one of the houses talk to him.

"Welcome home." the Titan said.

Connie slowly turned around and looked at the Titan. He got caught in his train of thought and couldn't take his eyes off the Titan. Reiner then came and snapped him out of it, and they began to move to catch up with the rest of the squad.

*Time Skip*

Nanaba and her squad was scouting the area out. Heading toward the wall

"The closer we get to the wall, the less populated the area will be." a higher-up stated.

"That's good. It didn't take us very long. Alright, lets move to the south." Nanaba said.

"What's the point? Last I heard there aren't any villages to the south." Ymir stated.

"We've raised the alarm for everyone in the region. Now we pinpoint the breach. The idea is to ride along the walls to the west until we do." Nanaba stated.

"Seriously? You know Christa and I don't have our ODM gear, right? What are we supposed to do about Titans? The south will be crawling with them. If we can't defend ourselves, you ought to just serve us on a platter. Why not let the two of us withdraw from the front?" Ymir stated.

"Negative. When we find were they are coming in, we'll need someone to relay it to HQ. I know you're scared, but like it or not, that's part of the job" Nanaba stated.

"Ymir. I'm fine with putting my life on the line. After all, I'm the one who chose to join the Scouts. But it's not the same for you." Christa said.

"What, you think I signed up for all this crap because of you?" Ymir questioned.

"I mean, what other reason do you have for being here? You tried talking me into joining the Military Police 'till you were blue in the face. You bowed out so I'd be eligible. Don't try to deny it. I wasn't good enough to join the top 10 on my own. Ask anybody. When it comes to skill, you're the better soldier by far. I have no idea how you did it but...Why? Why do that for me? My family? That's it isn't?" Christa questioned.

"Sure. Why not." Ymir said.

Christa's eyes widened hearing that.

"Relax. Don't worry about it so much. Take my word for it, sweetie. I'm only looking out for number one." Ymir said.

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