P:2 Ch:4

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Everyone was on top of the watchtower. Watching the titans surround the area. Some of the Titans were eating each other and the others were trying to knock down the watchtower.

"Rookies, stay where you are. We've got this. Let the ODM gear do what it was designed for." Nanaba said as she drew her blades.

The higher-ups all then jumped off the ledge of the watchtower and began to attack.

*2 Hours Earlier*

The two squads were gathered around a campfire taking refuge in the castle ruins. Gelgar found a strange bottle.

"Hey. Take a look at what I just stumbled on." Gelgar said.

"You're kidding is that what I think it is?" Lynne, the higher-up from Gelgar's squad said.

"Yeah. I can't really read the label though." Gelgar said.

"You're not gonna drink it, now are you?" Lynne said.

"Don't be smart. I'm gonna save it for later." Gelgar said.

"You know, there are worst ways to spend the night than having access to top-shelf contraband.

"Careful, you're starting to sound like an outlaw." Nanaba said.

Gelgar walked up to the rookies.

"I want you kids to try and get some rest. There shouldn't be any Titans crawling around. We'll take turns keeping watch. Be ready to leave four hours shy of daylight." Gelgar stated.

"Excuse me. What if it turns out that Wall Rose isn't actually compromised? Where else could they be coming from?" Christa questioned.

"It's our job to find out...Starting tomorrow." Gelgar said as he walked away.

"I'm just saying, the situation isn't good, sure. But is it as bad as we think? You never know, that's all." Christa stated.

"She's right. There's barely any Titans around here. I mean, for them to have busted through the wall anyway" Henning said.

"Only through the initial sighting, a relatively small handful." Nanaba stated.

"Connie, what about your village?" Ymir asked.

"It was totally destroyed. It was crushed to tinder and bits of rubble." Connie responded.

"I'm, uh.... sorry." Ymir said.

"Nobody got devoured though. Seems like they all got out. There's a silver lining at least." Connie said.

"I thought that you said it was destroyed?" Ymir questioned.

"Well, the houses and stuff were. But the people themselves must have all escaped. The thing is, we didn't see any blood anywhere. Not so much as one drop. That's the only possible explanation..." Connie explained.

"Still though, there's still something I can't get out of my head. There was a Titan on top of my house. It was just lying there staring at me. It couldn't move on its own...I have no idea why but...It reminded me of my mom. Am I... Crazy?" Connie said.

"Connie, what did I tell you? It was your imagination." Reiner said.

"Are you for real!? You actually think your mom might be a Titan? Oh honey, as iddy bitty as you are? Please! We all knew you are as dumb as a bag of rocks, but this!? Woah man, this takes it to a whole other level." Ymir said laughing.

"Haha, yeah have your fun. Guess I was kinda asking for it." Connie said whilst rubbing his head.

"Don't stop there. If mother darling is a Titan, then it's only logical to assume your ol' daddy is too. Basic biology. Think about it. How else, -" Ymir said teasing Connie.

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