25. losing the hope...

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Rudra woke up with a terrible headache. He had a nightmare again, about that woman and that accident, which he wasn't able to find the connection with himself.
He was really tired of having these nightmares every other night. The feeling of hurt and loss after waking up taking a tole on his heart. 
He tried to find his answers about the woman in his dreams. He tried to search for her in old pictures in the photo albums he found in the cupboard of his room.

But he found nothing.

He tried to search in his laptop, he checked every folder in there but didn't find anything.

He tried to check every number in his phone's contact list. he called to each and every person but the results were same.

Since Richa's fever inducted confession about feeling happy to have him by her side. Rudra was more concerned about these nightmares and this unknown woman in them.
He doesn't want to betray the trust, he was trying hard to get back in Richa's heart and mind.

He wanted to start a new, healthy and happy relationship with his wife, full of love, trust and loyalty.

That's why...
He wanted to get his answers soon, very soon.

After having a shower, Rudra walked into the kitchen and found Rishi and Richa there, preparing breakfast.

They were axceptionally quite today. there backs were facing each other as if ignoring the presence of another.
Rudra was confused, because whenever Rishi was present, it was next to impossible to find the atmosphere this calm and quiet. He was a force to be reckoned with.
His presence was like a T Sunami of jokes and laughter. His smile was contagious. It was near to impossible to maintain a straight face in front of him.

But....today he was completely different
Looking quite and depressed.

Rudra realized that Rishi was disturbed from few days, since he got back from the meeting in his office.

' did he have some problems in his office  ??'

'his presentation didn't went well in the meeting that day  ?? '

' is he going to lose his job?? '

'Or there is some financial problems??'

Rudra's mind was running around everywhere, trying to find the source of the distress of his friend.

"Good Morning..... "

Rudra said loudly,  trying to break the silence.

Richa turned towards him and smiled a little

"Good Morning "

She replied and turned back towords the pancakes she was preparing.

Rishi didn't react. Nor he acknowledged his presence.

Rudra walked up to him and clapped his shoulder

"Good morning buddy "

Rishi got startled and drop the apple he was cutting.

"Sorry man, did I scare you, by my sudden clap on your shoulder,  I wished you 'Good morning' a few moments back but you didn't replied so I just thought you didn't listen my voice so I came closer to greet you "

Rishi looked into Rudra's eyes for few seconds, then he bowed his head down

"Sorry, I really didn't listen your voice.
My mind was busy elsewhere "

Rishi replied without looking up. He was avoiding Rudra's eyes for an unknown reason.

"It was not hard to guess, my friend. So...will you tell me, to where, your brilliant mind was busy at the moment "

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