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Rudra helped the old lady to get into the car, Richa picked up her shopping bags and got into the car too.
Rudra took his place behind the wheel  and started the car. Drive to the clinic was a quiet one because everyone was lost in their own thoughts. Only a whimper or two, of pain from the old lady.
Rudra stopped the car in front of the clinic and helped the old lady to get inside. Richa was walking behind them.

Doctor checked the old woman....

" No need to worry Mam, it's only a mild sprain "

He wrapped her ankle with a crape bandage, and give her a pain killer shot for relieving the pain.

"Don't put wait on your ankle for 3-4 days, take pain killers if it's unbearable,ok.... just take rest for few days and you will be fine "

Doctor smiled at the woman and helped her to get down from the examination table.

Richa was helping her to get into the car while Rudra paid the doctor's fees.
He got in the car and turned to the old lady

"Don't worry Aunty Ji, you will be fine in no time, take it as a golden opportunity to lay on the bed all day long, without doing anything and even get your food served on the bed too. You will feel like the queen of the house for next few days, just enjoy that"

Rudra said with a playful smile, the old lady laughed at that and even Richa couldn't stop her smile

"Aunty Ji tell me your address I will drop you home now "

"Lake Veiw Society, it's quiet far from here "

"No problem "

Rudra feed the address on his navigation system and started the car.
Richa started to talk with the old lady to distract her from the pain and also for keeping her to stay awake, she was feeling drowsy because of the pain shot she had.
Richa soon found out that keeping the conversation with that old lady wasn't a joke. She was talking about her knitting skills from an hour, nonstop. Richa was feeling a headache coming to acompany her.
Rudra kept quite through out the conversation just humming in here and there, when his attention was required.
They reached to the 'Lake View Society ' Rudra parked the car and got out, he went to help the old lady to get to her house....

"Richa ji, please wait in the car, I will drop you home after this"


Richa replied and sat back into her seat more deeply.
She was feeling puzzled by Rishi's behavior today too
He got her number without her knowledge.
When he picked up her call he called her name with so much familiarity as he was used to call her like that on daily basis.
He took them to the same Doctor's clinic where Rudra and Richa usually go whenever they need to.
He played the same old instrumental music in his car, which Rudra used to play while driving.
He has a habbit of biting his lower lip same as Rudra used to bite his lip when he was shy or nervous.
How they can be so similar...???
She was lost in her thoughts when there was a tapping sound on the car window.
Richa looked up and there was Rishi smiling at her, he motioned her to open the driver side door from inside.
Richa opened the door and he got inside. He looked at her and smiled again

"Have you had your dinner yet....?? "

"Not yet "
Richa replied

"Then let's have some dinner before I drop you off "

"N.. O.. No, it's ok "

"But it's late and already past dinner time too"

Rudra continued without even taking a breath...

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