Best Day Ever

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A ship flew through the skies over Vale and the camera panned down to the city streets. The owner of the Dust shop "From Dust Till Dawn" was hanging a sign declaring its re-opening. As he climbed down from his ladder, he stumbled and fell. Emerald appeared next to him.

Emerald: *giggles* 'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here. *helps him to his feet.* Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

Emerald produced a piece of paper with writing on it and the shopkeep looks it over.

Shopkeep: Hmm? Mm-hmm.

Emerald walked away from the shop owner as both waved goodbye and passed Mercury Black at a corner.

Mercury: I knew you were lost.

Emerald: Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up. 

She produced a wallet with Lien and waved it in Mercury's face.

Mercury: That's not your money.

Emerald: But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence.

Mercury: *declines* Mmmm... no deal.

Emerald: *grumbles* Fine. 

Emerald took the Lien and tossed the wallet, turning to walk away.

Mercury: Whatever. You want me.

Mercury and Emerald were walking through the city.

Mercury: So, how much farther?

Emerald: A few blocks.

Mercury: Ugh... this place is so dull.

Emerald: Eh, I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture...

Mercury: And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket.

Emerald: *stops* That's every city.

Mercury: *play acts as a victim.* Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!

Emerald glared at him, groaning angrily. She then walked away from him.

Mercury: *grumbles* Ugh... you're no fun today.

Mercury followed behind Emerald. Soon, they entered a shop full of books. Mercury stopped near the door to look at books while Emerald approached the counter and ringged a service bell.

Tukson: Be right there! Or is that you, kid?

Emerald looked back at Mercury. The shop owner was seen through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walked backwards and out toward the counter.

Tukson: Welcome to "Tukson's Book Trade", home to every book under the sun! *sets the stacks down* How may I... 

When he turned around, he gasped and hesitated upon recognizing the two of them. Mercury was now holding a book.

Tukson: How may I help you?

Although the book was open, Mercury was looking at Tukson. 

Mercury: Just browsing. *shuts the book.*

Emerald: Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?

Tukson: Yes we do.

Emerald: *excited* That's great.

Tukson: Would you... like a copy?

Emerald: No, just wondering. *Mercury closes another book* Oh, oh! What about "Violet's Garden"? In paperback?

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