Dance Dance Infiltration

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The first scene was of random students schmoozing at the dance. Oobleck was shown to be listening intently as Port laughed over some unheard anecdote. Ozpin was standing off to the side with Glynda Goodwitch until General James Ironwood offered his hand for her to dance with him. Jaune approached Ruby and Maira, who were standing pensively near the refreshments tables.

Jaune: I see you two are hiding at the punch bowl too.

Maira: Correct. I prefer to stay here than dancing. *drinks her punch*

 *drinks her punch*

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(Maira's dress)

Ruby: Yep.

An audible *pop* can be heard as Ruby emphasized the "p".

Jaune: To the socially awkward.

Ruby and Maira giggled and they clinked glasses.

Maira: Dancing is not one of my talents.

Ruby: Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss.

Jaune: Meh, it's fine. Neptune's pretty "cool". I get why she went with him.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Jaune: Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair.

Jaune began to drink his punch.

Ruby: No, I mean, Weiss came to the dance alone.

Jaune choked in surprise.

Jaune: *turns to Ruby* Uh, what?

Weiss was shown trying desperately to coax life out of a wilting white rose. When she failed, she looked visibly upset.

Ruby: Yeah, she said that she had too much to focus on to worry about boys.

Laughter drawed Weiss' attention to Sun, Blake, and Neptune as the latter entertained the others with some impressions and other silly faces. Jaune, shown to be observing as well, became visibly perturbed.

Jaune: *speaks in a low growl* Hold my punch.

Jaune handed Ruby his glass and no sooner than he vanishes from sight does she choose to drink from his cup. Ruby and Maira looked at each other before the latter shrugged with her shoulders and continued to drink from her punch.

The scene shifted to show Yang leaning on a handrail and overlooking the festivities from a second tier as Ruby approached and leaned on the rail.

Yang: You know? I think we really needed this.

Blake and Sun were slow dancing while Ren and Nora appeared to be Waltzing. Penny was shown to be dancing alone, guarded by two Atlas Soldiers. The red soldier tapped with his foot, following the rythm of the music, but stopped when the blue soldier looked strictly at him. Azura and Byleth danced in a harmonic way.

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