Post Story Chapter 1: Pain

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"Akira, dear, are you almost ready?" Ushijima's mother called from their kitchen downstairs.

"Just putting my shoes on," Akira called back, holding her stomach to try and see her shoes underneath her.

The Ushijima's plans to have another baby was successful, but it took longer than expected. As impatient as her husband was to get a positive pregnancy test placed in his hands, he was as patient as he could possible be.

With that, he became an animal. The two had sex almost every day and it certainly tired Akira out until she finally got a positive result. But, they got a bigger surprised than they hoped for.


Two boys to be exact.

Neither had any complaints, except for the parents when they were home. Akira was eating much much more, getting even moodier than her last pregnancy and having more body aches than ever. She managed to get through it, just another month and a half before they would be out in the real world.

Akira carefully slipped on her shoes and waddled out of the bedroom door, heading towards the stair case to get downstairs. The two planned on going to Ushijima's game today even with him refusing to let his wife leave the house.

He made sure to set up a nice, at-home office in one of the empty bedrooms so she didn't have to drive as much. Ushijima loved being a dad and he worshipped the titan as much as he worshipped his wife who managed to put up with him for all these years.

Akira lightly squinted her eyes, her vision become slightly blurry as she look down at the steps. She leaned over to reach the railing but her fingers slipped, causing her to keep leaning forward and let out a cry of pain as she toppled down the steps.

After hearing the thud, Ushijima's mom ran over to see Akira laying on the ground unconscious, her hands wrapped around her stomach as it trying to protect it from the impact. Miyuki squatted down to Akira, trying to wake her up but it was no use.

She looked at the red marks on her arms, probably from the big fall she just took. The new color from the corner of her eye grabbed her attention as she deeply gasped with tears in her eyes. A small pool of blood began to form in between her legs, seeping through her dress.

"Oh my gosh, Akira baby!" She cried, trying to help the girl up but it was no use. Akira had two infants inside of her and Miyuki was too old to attempt to help her get up.

She quickly dug in her pocket, quickly dialing for an ambulance to come and help.

"911, what's your emergency?" The operator spoke

"M-My daughter-in-law just fell down the stairs a-and she's pregnant and b-bleeding on the floor. Please help!"

Ushijima's mom tried her best to stay calm, giving the man on the other line her address and him saying an ambulance would arrive within the next 10 minutes.

The sound of the door bell ringing startled her before it slowly opened.

"Hey I got Aimi from school, where are you guys?" A voice from the living room called, footsteps approaching the kitchen.

"K-Kuroo!" Miyuki called out, holding an unconscious Akira in her arms.

The sound of his footsteps picked up, a pair of small ones chasing after him. When turning the corner, the smile on his face was filled with concern and fear. He ran over and slid down onto his knees, examining his sister.

"What happened?" He asked, noticing his sister's face turning a lighter color than usual.

"S-She just fell down the stairs and she's bleeding and n-not waking up!"

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