14. A Confession, Maybe

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Three weeks had passed since then and Akira's relationship with Ushijima got a bit more...


He still came over to help her study for finals, but once finals were over she was occupied with so many other things, Ushijima saw her less and less. Akira finally quit her job and was hired at Japan's Volleyball Association for Sports promotions. With her connection to Ushijima and her brother, the job was set in stone for her.

Ushijima spent these 3 weeks talking with his roommate for advice. Their first night of studying really opened his eyes on how he felt about her. He really didn't like seeing her around other guys other than him. 

Tendou finally pitched the idea for Ushijima to buck up and ask her to go out with him. It almost felt like high school when girls would confess to him, except this time it's the other way around. He had to be a bit less stoic and a bit more romantic as of today. Since this was a huge day for her, he was super nervous but Tendou helped him shake the jitters.

Currently, Sugawara was in her apartment with all of her friends: Daichi, Kenma, Kageyama, Hinata, Tendou, Ushijima, Bokuto, Akaashi, Lev, his sister, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi. Sugawara was in charge of decorating the apartment while the Kuroo's were out. 

"Move to the left." Sugawara was directing Tsukishima and Lev, the two tallest, where to hang the large 'Congratulations' sign. 

"Stop! Right there, perfect." The setter smiled to himself and looked to see Hinata and Kageyama racing to see who could blow up balloons the fastest. Lev's sister, Alisa, was tying streamers up on the ceiling while Tendou help the chair steady for her. He occasionally gave her a flirty comment but she only shook her head and continued with her steamer tying.

"Oi, Ushijima," Sugawara walked over to the stoic ace who was currently pouring chips into bowls on the counter. "so, are you going to finally ask her?" Sugawara leaned against the kitchen island and kept his voice quiet.

"How did you know I was going to-" Ushijima was cut off before he could finish.

"I can just see it in your eyes, plus I've been waiting since you showed up to the volleyball game all that time ago. You seem tense, ease up. She's totally crushing on you." Sugawara talked as if they were girls at a sleepover. 

"This is a big day for her and I don't want to ruin it for her. Also, she never told me about her past relationship and I don't want to mess up if she does say yes." Ushijima looked down at the bowl of chips.

"You are a different person than him. Give her the attention she needs and you'll be just fine." Sugawara gave him a generous smile and took a chip from the bowl before turning back to the room.

"Everyone," Daichi said, coming in from the balcony and closing the sliding door "they just pulled in!"

The siblings came up the elevator lightly laughing with one another. Kuroo took his sister to  a small cafe to get Akira's favorite dessert and to keep her mind clear

"That place was great, that waitress kept eyeing you though," Akira said, fiddling with her keys as the siblings came out of the elevator.

"I can't help that I look this good, Kira." He playfully smirked at her and she smacked his arm jokingly. 

"If I could roll my eyes any louder, I would." She said before sticking her keys in the door and slowly turning them. Kuroo tried to hide the smile on his face as she looked into her apartment to see all of her friends standing and smiling at her.

"Congratulations!" Everyone shouted, making Akira drop her keys accidentally and put her hand over her heart.

"You guys did all this for me?" She smiled with light tears in her eyes. Akira had never been so happy to be surrounded by her friends. 

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