18. A Friendly Game

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"Tetsu!" Akira dived in the sand to receive Daichi's spike. She softly landed on the sand before running the where her brother motioned to set the ball. Faking the set, Kuroo saw the two on the other side catch his glance and decided to just jump and smash the ball down into the sand.

"Nice receive, Chibi!" Kuroo put his hands above his head, making his sister jump to high five him. The score that Suga currently had was 14-12, the Kuroo siblings with the lead. Ushijima wanted to take her mind partially off the game. 

"Hold on," He said, jogging over to the side. He reached his hand back, grabbing his tank top and pulling it up over his head. Akira was practically drooling at the sight. His muscles were covered in small sweat droplets and she watched them sparkle on his beautiful skin.

He threw it over by their things before jogging back over to the court. There had been a small group of girls watching them and instantly began to cat call out to Ushijima. He didn't bother sparing them a glance, but it still made Akira mad.

Akira walked behind the line to serve, taking fewer steps than usual because of the sand. She turned to look a the fan girls trying to call out for him, making her more frustrated.

"Go hot stuff!" One of them said, making her blood boil. How badly she wanted to throw the ball at those girls for talking to her man.

"Chibi!" Akira fell out of her thoughts to see her brother poking her in the head.

"Sorry, Tetsu. I just spaced out for a second." Kuroo's eyes widened in shock. His sister had rarely gotten off track from a game before. She was usually super focused and planning her serves, not thinking outside of them. He turned his gaze to Ushijima and sent a death glare. 

"Serve," Akira said before throwing the ball up and serving. She didn't even jump to hit it, just put enough force in it to get over the net. Ushijima received it perfectly, passing it to Daichi who set him up for a spike.

"Do you love him?" Maybe she did, her mind stuck on the conversation. She had the illusion that she loved Oikawa in high school and he turned out to be a douche.

But Ushijima was different. He was too sweet yet clueless for his own good, but it made her like him even more. His dry humor and the way he'd lightly smile at her and tell her how pretty she was.

Akira's snapped out of her thoughts by a big force smacking her in the face. Ushijima didn't know she wasn't paying attention, he would have hit it towards Kuroo instead.

"Oh my god," As soon as Ushijima's feet hit the ground, he ran under the net over to his girlfriend who had a very bloody nose. She fell back from the force and had tears in her eyes. "Princess, I'm so sorry." 

"Let's take a time out," Ushijima said, helping Akira off the ground and taking her to their things. 

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Akira looked down, letting the blood run down her face.

"Akira, what happened out there? You've been focused all game." He pulled out a few tissues from one of there bags and handed them to her.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." Akira wiped her nose and looked up to see her boyfriend giving her a look that said 'I don't buy it.' She took a deep breath before finally telling the truth.

"Those girls are really starting to get on my nerves." Akira stood there awkwardly. Ushijima had stepped closer to her, kissing the top of her head.

"The only girl I want is you." He looked to see her eyes tearing up, not from getting hit in the nose. "I don't care about those girls, they aren't you."

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