Short stories

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Thanks for reading my book guys. Love you all!!! <3 <3 <3

For those of you who can't get enough of our beloved Luke and Sam, here's some short stories that I managed to write whenever I had time.

Some also in my website

Oh please note, these are short stories, don't get confuse, don't link them to each other.

All Unedited. Apology for mistakes.

Enjoy :)


The Dream Date

I realised I had no luck on the dating site, no, I realised it since long time ago but I've decided to give myself another go, yet whoever I dated would still ended up hurting me, cheating on me, dumped me or just behave like a jerk.

I stared at my phone on my coffee table, tempted to call a number which I just recently put on my speed dial. I sighed, he wouldn't be home at this hour I bet, but again who knows, he was so mysterious to me. He was a fine fine man, flawless in my opinion. He was hot, funny, and most of all single. He didn't have a jealous girlfriend who would be upset if I called him now I was sure. Perfect for me!

I sighed again and decided to give it a try.

"Sam?" He answered his phone after only three rings.

"Hey." I greeted him, a bit nervous that he would say he was busy and hang up on me.



"Nope, why are you calling me? Aren't you on a date? Are you okay?" came his worried voice that sometimes I thought he was overprotective toward me.

"Yes, I was on a date and it all went wrong. I am at home now."

"Sorry to hear that. What happened?

"Oh well, let's just say he doesn't know how to treat a lady."

"Oh, another jerk?" he sounded happy to my surprise.

"Yes another jerk, Luke, and don't you dare laughing."


"I just want to have a nice date you know, just once I want to be treated like these pretty girls in the movie." I gave him a long sigh.

"Like what?"

"Oh, nothing, it's silly."

"No, tell me."

"You know, flowers, candle light dinner, slow dance, walking along the waterside, talking. That kind of date..."

He chuckled, "ah, romance novel's kind of date."

"Yeah.... Kind of. Anyway, are you free? Do you want to come over? I'll order pizza, I am starving."

"Yeah sure...." Then he went silent.


"Where did you go for the date anyway?"

"Some fancy restaurant, North Sydney, I didn't even know the name..."

"Perfect. Ok, I'll come soon, by the way, what are you wearing?" sounded that he got up from his seat and walked around.

"Excuse me?"

"What are you wearing? I am at my dad's home right now, I don't want to see you in your dull short after ditching my parents and driving for thirty minutes to your place."

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