Kiss Me

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This is short story from the main book, as I like to explore some possibilities and twisting the plot. Please do not link this to other short stories as it means to stand alone. It will be confusing if you linked it to the previous chapter, Trust me :)

unedited. Apology for mistakes.

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I went to his place, an innocent intention to ask him going to the movie with me had turned into disaster when I saw him on his porch, kissing a girl.

I froze on my track and quickly hide behind a tree. I didn't know why I need to hide but I did. A rush of embarrassment mixed with anger and disappointment ravaged my heart.

He kissed a girl! Not that it got anything to do with me but this was my first time seeing him standing so close to a girl and I didn't like it.

Rushing, I went back into my car that I parked on the next street and climbed inside. I took few deep breaths trying to digest what I was seeing a minute ago. I didn't stay there to wait till they were finished; my initial purpose to drive here was forgotten.

I felt like someone just stabbed me on the chest with a knife and twisted it. I bit my lip so hard trying to hold the tears that stubbornly came out from my eyes. Why didn't I call first? Why didn't I just stay at home and watch tv? Why didn't I...... oh god, I pushed my chest with my hand trying to stop the pain but I couldn't.

I cried my eyes out for solid thirty minutes, then I waited for another fifteen minutes for my eyes to be back to normal and not too puffy to drive to the city to have a lonely dinner.

I sat in a tinny restaurant alone and stared blankly on my half empty bowl. I felt my phone vibrating, shaking my tinny table and created ripples on my soup and by the ringtone I knew he was calling but I didn't bother to answer, I shoved it back inside my jeans pocket and continued my meal, slowly and painfully.

Finally I drove back to my apartment when I realized that the city started to flood with noisy teens and they were too happy to my liking. I would be fine if only Luke was here with me but the fact was he didn't.

I sighed in defeat when I walked out from the lift of my apartment building. I didn't want to go home yet but I didn't know where else to go. I didn't have many friends, and on Friday night like this, they would be out enjoying themselves and I didn't want to intrude.

I stopped at two doors before mine and contemplating whether I should knock or just went home. It was Val's door, my neighbor for more than five years. She became bartender not for nothing. She could be a good listener and right now I just wanted to unwind.

I knocked her door and waited but she didn't appear. I knew today was her day off and she usually stayed at home to catch up some sleep. I saw shadows moving under her door, did she have a visitor? I wondered. It was unlikely though. She was single, she didn't have boyfriend and she wasn't looking for one. She said she had enough with men and she decided to fly solo for a while. She told me that two years ago to be exact.

"Val? Let me in please....." I begged her. I could understand that she wanted to be alone at this hour but I desperately needed a company right now and I thought I could be selfish once in a while.

"One second." Her muffle voice came from behind the door. And finally after waiting forever I saw her happy face greeted me,

"hey Sam. What's.... oh my god! Did you just cry? Why? What happened? Come in.... come in...." she turned panic when seeing my puffy eyes.

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