Sleepover part 2 (chapter 13)

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After talking on the living room floor for 30 minutes about Drama and stuff Denki brought up a game.

"Let's play a game. Truth or dare" asked Denki. Mina Agreed so did sero.

"Sure why not!" Said Todoroki.

"Ok sure but keep it PG." said Kirishima. Mina and Denki and sero laughed.

"Ok Lida" I said. Everyone laughed. We all agreed.

"Ok truth or dare Denki" asked Mina. Denki thought about it for a while.

"Truth" he said.

"Is it true that you can run the mile in 4 minutes?" She asked. He shook his head no. We all played for another 30 minutes. Until things got interesting.

"Truth or dare Todoroki" said Sero.

"Dare" said Todoroki. Ooo he seemed to be on the wild side today.

"I dare you to dress girly!" Said Sero. Todoroki looked at me and I got up pulling his arm to my room fast. I have Todoroki some short shorts and a crop top along side some press on nails and a plastic wand. I smiled at him at how goofy he was. Soon my face went red after realizing our faces were inches apart and I had been looking directly at him. We both looked away. We went back down and everyone laughed. Shoto laughed as well.

"Ok y/n truth or dare." Said Bakugo. I looked at him and realized I shouldn't have said what I was about to say.

"Dare" I said. I went blank knowing he was up to no good.

"I dare you to kiss anyone in the room" he said. I went red and begged not to do it. I turned to the side and kissed Mina.

"Sorry but it was the simple choice" I said. Mina laughed.

"Ok sero truth or dare" asked Mina

"Hmmm... Dare" he said while sitting closer with Everyone.

"I dare you to explain who you like" asked Mina. She just wants the tea. Who can blame her.

"Uh well I don't like anyone currently..." he answered. He looked at the time and realized he had to leave. Kirishima did the same and left back home. Now there was 6.

"Ok Deku. I dare you to call your crush and tell them you like them" I said with a grin on my face. Deku went red red.

"I- how could you! You're mean! And my phone is dead..." he exclaimed. I handed him my phone.

"Call him then." I said giving my phone. Mina and Todoroki and Denki agreed. Deku was red. Bakugo looked at me and a bit upset thinking Deku likes someone else.

"Ok but you have to tell your new crush that you like them too! No! Don't tell him. You have to kiss him!" Yelled Deku. I looked at him with a red face. How did he- oh right I told him before. Fuck.

"How dare you turn the tables on me Deku! I'm doing this to help you out! Don't gotta Turn on me!" I said throwing a pillow. Everyone watching me and Deku yelling.

"We can skip this if you choose a different dare!!!" He yelled.

"FINE IZUKU! YOU KNOW WHAT!" I yelled as I grabbed Shotos faced and kisses him. I faced at Deku. He was stunned just like Todoroki and everyone. Deku looked at Bakugo and kisses him. Everyone was even more stunned. Both Deku and I realized what we had done. I got up and ran with Deku to my room. We locked the door behind us and looked at eachother and laughed. Ha- how? We laughed and yelled again at eachother for a few minutes.

(Todorokis POV)

We had been playing Truth or dare for an hour and a half now. Y/n and Deku had been fighting over calling their crush and kissing them. It was funny how they were both talking to eachother. I had kinda liked Y/n but wasn't sure if I should or not. I mean would she even like me? Before I could think anymore I felt
y/n grab my face and kiss me. I was shocked. I looked to the side and saw Deku kisses Bakugo. They both shot up and ran up towards y/ns room. Both I and Bakugo were shocked at what happened. I think Denki was confused but he got it afterwards. Mina on the other hand. She was dying inside. She passed out. I looked at Bakugo and we both got up and went to the corner to talk.

"Y/n likes you huh?" Said Bakugo. I nodded. I guess she must have if she kissed me.

"And Midorya likes you" I said. He nodded as well. We both were trying to understand what happened. We both waited a few minutes. Deku walked downstairs and walked outside with Bakugo to talk. I walked upstairs to y/ns room.

(Your POV)

Deku and were laughing at eachother for what we did. He left to talk to Bakugo. I'm guessing Shoto is coming up here. When he did I couldn't look at him. He closed the door and walked to me. He grabbed my face and made me face him. My face was red.

"So you like me?" He asked. I looked at him directly and I went red. He kissed me back. He explained how he had liked me as well but didn't want to ruin a good friendship. In the end I'm glad we stuck to just friends. After a while we went downstairs again.

"Omg!! Are you guys dating now?!" Asked a yelling Mina. I laughed and shook my head.

"So what happened between you two?" Asked Denki.

"We decided to stay friends. We both like eachother but we don't want to ruin a good friendship we have going on." Explained Todoroki. I nodded. Mina 'awed' as her ship fell apart. I looked at Bakugo and Deku who had sat down. I seen a hickey on Dekus neck.

"And they're now dating so there's that. And you're welcome" I said. Bakugo threw a pillow at me.

"Shut up Y/n" he said as Deku sat next to him.
After taking about Bakugo and Deku getting together we talked and played games until we all fell asleep.


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