Lovers Fight (chapter 28)

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4 months have passed by. Deku and I both been distant from our friends for some time now. I planned my death with Deku. One night Deku and I woke up underground in a room. A man and Mr. Awaiza and Hawks greeted us.
Deku and I had been surprised. I saw the man turn on a camera.

"We know everything about you both with the LOV" said Hawks. Dang it. However we weren't in trouble.

"It is some good thinking but you're both still students! Not pro hero's! You could die. Are you aware that AFO killed your mother y/n? What if he killed you." Yelled awaiza. He was hurt I had betrayed him.

"I know. This is why I'm getting close to my shitty father! I don't care if I died! He needs to be taken down! No hero in the world cares about the villains!" I yelled. Mr. Awaiza and Hawks and the man looked at me. I laughed.

"All hero's care about is their paychecks. Endeavor abuses his kids. Causing one of them who wanted to become a hero the most to turn to a villain. You all thought he was dead no. These villains turned into villains because you useless hero's didn't bother to save them! Shiggy was just a kid when his family died. He cried out for help to hero's. Everyone of them turning him down... what about protecting and serving at all costs? Toga.... oh her. She was bullied into becoming a villain. This cruel world turns people into monsters. Look at me Awaiza. Father.... look what you fucking created! A monster. Are you fucking happy now? Just look at me Awaiza. I'm a monster. I killed innocent people..... I felt no remorse for them or their loved ones. I'm fucked up.... there's no fixing a monster. If you think you can hurt me..... you're wrong..... nothing can hold me back...." I said as I laughed hysterically. Deku laughed with me playing the part. Haws Kicked me in the face. The camera was turned off. Mr. Awaiza cleaned up the blood I had on my face and on deku's. I found out the man was an agent for the government. He recruited Deku and I to work with Hawks and him. We agreed so we could all take down the LOV. Mr. Awaiza informed Inko that Deku and I would be moving to another part of Japan so we could create our own Agency.

Mr. Awaiza moved our stuff to the apartment Deku and I Bought together. Inko moved to an apartment again she lived in before. Bakugo and everyone believes that Deku and I still live with Inko. Deku and I moved into our new apartment. Only Deku and I knew where the building was. A month later it was now deku's birthday. I haven't talked to Dabi and toga for 3 months now. However it was fine. Deku and I went out with our old classmates to celebrate our graduation and for how hard we'll be working on our agency's. We all celebrated for the day. Bakugo thought Dabi and I broke up because he used to believe Dabi and I dated. Deku went home to inkos with Bakugo. I went home and recorded a video. The video was me all bloody and crazy looking. I talked to the camara sounding like a villain. I explained how hero's are useless and how they turned kids into villains. I explained that every hero I got close with and trained with was only doing it for fame. I said that I only respected Present Mic and Mr. Awaiza because they're the only ones who actually care and they're true hero's. I also talked about my mother's death and how it was sad. Explaining it was so sad how she played a big role in turning me into a villain. Of course I was lying. I ended the video after 5 minutes of talking. Someone knocked on my apartment door. It was Dabi.

"Hey bunny" he said walking in. I rolled my eyes. He walked to my room and watched tv. I took a shower and changed into some shorts and a big shirt. I walked out the bathroom then to my room. Dabi was holding the bunny I kept after he threw it back at me.

"Awwww bunny.... you still kept him?" He asked. I snickered. He laughed. He kissed me.

"Tell shiggy I have the video ready and I have a way to die already. After my agency is finished in 2 months I'll be headed on a mission. Tell him to send that big dog or whatever it is to where I'm headed. To only attack me. I'll be working with Deku's agency that day and we'll both go MIA. I'll create a fake body. I have that covered already." I said. Dabi pulled me in.

"Yeah and Mr. Awaiza will cover of you while you take us all down?" He asked sounding a bit mad. I got up.

"Dabi stop please. He found out and forced me to talk. He wants revenge for my mother.... he loved her. She loved him. Please. And I'm doing this for you and Toga. I want you both to go back to the old you! You can change everything again and we can date in public like you want." I said.

"How I want? What about you? Who said I wanted to go back to my old self? Did toga agree? You can't help somebody who doesn't want help y/n. I don't like hero's. And I don't want or need your help." Said Dabi raising his voice at me. He was angry.

"I'm trying Dabi! I know you miss your sister and your mother! Your old friend Keigo! He misses you too! He's trying to help you too!" I said. Dabi got more angry.

"You don't know anything y/n! You're obsessed with your father! You talk about not wanting to become anything like him yet you talk so much about him and how you'll kill him. You're exactly like him don't you get it? You're just too fucking stupid to realize you'll die! How can you be so fucking stupid!" He yelled. I stopped saying anything. He realized what he said. He tried hugging me. I pushed him

"Get out... leave and don't come back here. Just leave and get rid of my number. And take the fucking bunny with you! I don't want anything around that reminds you to me! And take your fucking purple amulet. Give it to some bitch who will care." I said throwing the bunny and Amulet at him. He looked hurt. I pushed him out the apartment and locked the door in his face. I walked to my room and slammed the door and started to grab everything that he gave me and I put it in a box and labeled it trash. In the morning Deku showed up and walked in my room.

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