Long lost friends (chapter 14)

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In the morning I woke up next to Denki and Todoroki. I'm guessing Mina started cooking from the smell of pancakes. I got up and saw Bakugo and Deku cuddling on the couch. I walked to the kitchen and helped Mina cook breakfast. After eating we all got dressed and everyone went back home to pick up their stuff to return back to school. We all went back to school together.

I put my shoes one and walked to Mina's room where Denki, Todoroki, Deku and Bakugo had been.

"Ok so what happened yesterday stays between us ok?" Said Bakugo. We all agreed. Denki got up and left to meet up with his other friends. Deku and Bakugo went out on a date. I jumped on Mina's bed near Todoroki. He smiled and played with my hair.

"Ok seriously what happened? I don't believe you both just stayed friends!" Said Mina. Todoroki and I agreed that we did. He soon left to ask Lida some questions. I opened my arms and let them fall on Mina's bed. She sat on her chair.

"Ugh I hate this! I like him but I don't want to ruin the friendship so. How do I get rid of a crush? Mina can I just date you to get rid of this feeling?" I asked turning my face to her.

"I mean you can't get rid of your feelings that fast and sorry but..... I have to reject you" she said. I went along.

"But how! You let me kiss you last night remember?" I said pretending to sob. We laughed.

"Well if you need an escape try sero. He sells weed. Or keep training harder! If that doesn't work then sure. I'll date you. Nun of that intimate stuff tho. Just hugs. Ok?" She said rolling her head back to look at me. I laughed softly. I agreed. I didn't like the fact that I was trying to switch from guys to guys nor using sero in any way. I got up and left Mina's room to go to my room. I changed into a black crop top with some black spandex. I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and earphones. I plugged in my earphones and put my phone in my pocket. I walked outside the dorms and started running.

I ran 8 miles in a hour and a half. I made it to the train station. I decided to go visit my town. After I got off I ran my way back to my town. Oh right no one would remember who I am. My scars and burns had been showing. I ran to the castle gates and the Guards yelledat me to leave. I stated my business and they denied entry. I'm guessing the king actually wouldn't let me in. I then was pushed to an alleyway. It seemed familiar. I walked down it for a while. I remembered this. I ran for another 45 minutes and I reached a old rundown building. I heard voices. How I miss this place. It's been years since I came back. It had been 5 pm now. Around the time I'd always come. I climbed a trash can and looked through the windows. The woman from yesterday. And a man with a black shirt or cape? Wait... that woman. So she's a teen. Around my age. Toga? She's in the LOV! That must mean the man is also in the LO-

I had been knocked out. I woke up and found myself tied up. It was now 7 pm. UA curfew was at 8. I doubt I'd make it alive. That's fine if I'm a little late if I do make it. There had been the Toga, and then 3 others I hadn't seen. A man in all black in the corner. A man with hands all over his body and his face. He had blue hair. And another with Black aura around his body? I couldn't really tell.

"Who are you and what do you want? Why were you spying?" Asked the man with blue hair. I spoke.

"One I wasn't spying... second, I want nothing. I had just passed by and remembered this run down building I'd play in. 3rd I don't need to explain who I am. Toga, did you use my blood for your own gain or what? If you need more just contact me. But I need help from the LOV with something that will com-" I was slapped. The man with blue hair slapped me to stop talking. He slapped me with a branch. It soon disappeared. So that's his quirk.

"You have no right to be making orders. Toga how do you know her?" Asked the man.

"Shiggy she's the one I stole the blood from yesterday. However her sprits seem to be up. And really I can take more blood????" Toga asked squealing.

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