Villian (chapter 62)

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In the morning I woke up and noticed Touya gone. I got up and walked to Nerezzas room and she wasn't there either. I looked in every room and no sight of them. I heard people down stairs. I walked downstairs.

"So what are we planning for y/n's birthday?" Asked Shiggy. I walked out the corner sounding tired. I didn't want to hear anything about it. I saw Touya, Deku, Bakugo, Mina, Denki, sero, Toga and Shoto and shiggy talking. Nerezza was eating. I was dressed in one of Touyas big shirts and then some booty shorts or mine. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some good.

"Morning guys" I said. They all looked at me.

"Morning sleepy head" said Toga sitting on the island counter. I laughed.

"Oh shut up. Don't make me expose your secrets toga" I said. She looked at me.

"Oh? What about that time we you kn-" I covered her mouth with my hands. I smiled.

"Say what? I don't remember anything now that I think about it.... any who's. Nerezza and I will be visiting some old old friends. She had a play date with my friends kid so I'll be back later today." I side picking up Nerezza from her high chair and then kissing Touya on the cheek as I start walking to the stairs. I went upstairs to get changed and get Nerezza changed. Soon I left with Nerezza. I got in the car I recently bought. I put Nerezza in her car seat and I drove off.

I drove to a mountain. I got out Nerezza and some flowers I brought before. We walked up the mountain a bit. We arrived at a gravestone. I placed the flowers down and ligt up a burner stick. I clapped my hands and prayed. I got up and walked back to the car with Nerezza.

"Who was that mommy?" Asked Nerezza. She knew what that was of what I just did. She looked at me with her big soft eyes I shed a tear.

"It's something you don't need to worry about baby. Ok? That was something long ago... the old me who doesn't need to be alive" I said. She looked at me confused. I smiled in pain. Suddenly I was brought into a warp gate and I fell down with Nerezza. I covered her with my back and my back was in Surer pain with crashing into the ground. The room was well lit up. I noticed AFO and many others surrounding us. I picked us Nerezza.

"Who's this?" Asked AFO. Nerezza looked at me. I laughed.

"Why do you care? You never cared for your own kids why would you care about your grandkid?" I asked. AFO looked at me.

"That's my granddaughter?" He asked.

"What's the point. What do you want with me?" I yelled. They all laughed.

"See you're a key detail to my succession of running the world! You'll be apart of it no matter what. This time I will make sure you do dispise hero's." Said AFO. I held Nerezza tightly.

"Don't come near me or my daughter you hag!" I screamed. Some men tried taking Nerezza I killed around 30 to scare them. I made sure Nerezza didn't see any of it.

"Well.. I see your still a fighter. Everyone." He said. Soon everyone soon started to walk to me. I knew I couldn't handle all of them. I gave in.

"Fine! Fine! I'll do what you want! Just.. let her go home safely!!! Please... she's the one I care about the most..." I said. He laughed. He agreed. I created an opening and told her what to do. She soon left into the portal while sobbing. She wore my necklace Touya gave me. I hid a note inside. Soon Nerezza disappeared. I was knocked out and had tests done on me. I was gone for a whole year and a half. Nerezza should be 2 and a half years now? I haven't seen anyone besides these villain. I was tested on everyday and I had no energy to move at all. I was poorly fed. I was so weak I can't stand on my own. AFO walked up and sat down.

"Ok who's Grace Hernandez? Or Touya Todoroki?" Asked AFO. I looked at him.

"Who? Is Nerezza ok? Where is she?" I asked. My memories of everyone were completely erased. I only had memories of me being a villain and Nerezza. He removed my memories and switched them for villains memories. He now started to take care of my health. I was now able to walk and move around in a month. I was let out of my cell and I walked to the others.

"You're here! Your job is now to kill all thses people. You have 6 months" said AFO. I nodded. In that year I probably killed over 3000. Now Nerezza should me 3 years old. I was given a new list. I saw the last name Todoroki... who? I remember that name.. I agreed. I began following Nerezza whenever I had the chance. I suddenly began shaking. My body began to brake down. I threw up blood. I looked in the puddle of my blood and saw another reflection. I looked up. My other older self.

"So you finally started to see the signs haven't you? Everything you've seen in the past 4 years so far with the house of yours, relationship with Touya, Nerezza... everything you've been experiencing the past 4-5 years has been another lie. You're currently still 20. You're still in the time part where you're a villain with Touya. See how much thinks can change instantly. I know you think this story has progressed so much but it hasn't. The story also never was written like this. You're still in the LOV yes. However Touya never once did cheat, your mother was saved by him yes. You're currently 3 months pregnant with Touyas and your baby. He's there supporting you in your pregnancy. However we're also pathological liars. So you can't really trust what I say. I'm kidding. Everything you currently see or facing is true. You're supposed to kill everyone you love and then yourself afterwards. But you can change your story." Said my older self. Soon a video like things played in front of my eyes.

I was suddenly stumbling into my house. My body is numb and wet. It hurts so much. My siblings blood covering my entire body after I viciously murdered them in cold blood with no regret. Suddenly the realization hit me where I killed my siblings with no hesitation. I let out a blood curling scream. I grabbed a rock and threw it at the wall. I yelled.

"WHY WAS IT YOU ALL AND NOT MYSELF!" I screamed. I felt someone behind me. It was AFO. His heart didn't ache when I was in so much distress. He walked over to me and tried hugging me. I violently tried to escape his embrace. And the pain in my heart. I kicked and punched his as hard as I could to let him go. I threw out all my anger at him. I screamed in his face.

"First it was the love of my life, then Mother, my siblings, Friends and Nerezza. They're all gone and everyone left me because of you" I sobbed. I cried in agony. AFO just holds me as he took all my kicks and punches. After I calmed down he softly began singing and playing with my hair. In that moment he wasn't an enemy as I calmed him to be. He was my father. He acted like the father I wish I had grown up with. Then again I was brought back to reality. I was gasping for air as I laid there in the darkness. I walked around. It was no where where I had originally been. I was brought back to the room where I first fell down into with Nerezza 2 years ago. That was the dream. I knew I had to escape but I had to first kill AFO. However I looked into Nerezzas sobbing eyes and another realization hit me. No one would mourn me if I had actually died. I was also soon back to the spot I saw a man with White hair and purple covering his arms and face holding Nerezzas hand as they laughed. For some reason I felt so sad. I soon saw a woman walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. For some reason that made me really sad. Again I felt like I was completely forgotten just seeing the 3. I felt like no one would mourn me. No one would cry on my grave. No one would leave me flowers at my grave. I was now a villain whilst everyone was a hero. I was now the broken one from the system. The one that would never be forgiven. I looked into the mans and Nerezzas eyes from afar. No remorse in they're eyes. No hoping I'd beg for forgiveness or seek help in them. I finally excepted my darkness. For a cruel person I am. I finally accepted my fate. I was now heading back to that darkness I knew every well from a young age. The darkness was now my home. Darkness was my comfort. The place I had grown to love with my fantasy's of a kingdom, love. I gave one last gaze to Nerezza. My body roared in pain. I felt something wet on my stomach and my mother. Blood. It ran down my mouth and stomach. "This is what i deserve" I said. I smirked for my last moments. I looked into the sky and opened my arms. I was finally being let free. Free of my sins.

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