New Neighbor (chapter 26)

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It was around 11 pm now. We finished eating. Ruby had mentioned that Lily was able to spend the night. Inko had a shift at 2 am till 8 am. After dinner Ruby left once again back to the Castle. We all headed back to the house. Dabi had left before because supposedly Shiggy needed his help disposing of some things. At home I let Toga and Lily borrow some clothes. Deku and Bakugo joined us to watch a movie. Lily fell asleep 10 minutes after the movie. I had taken her to the guest bedroom. Deku and Bakugo went to be in dekus room. It was now 1 am. Toga and I had been in the living room watching a movie. We got creeped out so we went to my bedroom and watched funny movies. We laughed and joked. We both fell asleep around 3 am.

At 7 am I woke up. Toga had left. I got up and changed and went to the mall. At the mall I was out with Denki and Sero. Mina was busy today. When I met up with Denki and Sero they hugged me and said happy birthday to me. I thanked them. I had wore a purple graphic shirt with some mom jeans. We grabbed some breakfast in the bakery inside the mall. I got a muffin and the boys got donuts. We walked around and shopped in some stores. Denki mostly wanted to go to black topic and a skating store. We did. Denki bought some outfits and so did sero. We stopped at this kids play pen. Denki and sero left their bags with me. They ran pushing some kids and played on the set. A mother with 4 kids sat next to me. She must have thought I was 20 or something. I mean I did dress and act the part.

"So which ones are your kids?" Asked the lady. I smiled. I wanted to laugh at her question. I tired really hard not to.

"Oh you see those two at the slide? Yeah not those. Those two on the swings. Dumb and dumber I call them." I said. She looked at me weirdly. I smiled and waved bye.

"Hey dumbasses, time to go!" I yelled. Denki and sero came running at me. They grabbed the bags and ran out the mall running out the mall and to the Uber I had ordered for us. They left before I could even leave the mall. 4 men had chased them. Makes sense. I left the mall and walked to an alleyway. I called someone on the phone. Before I could talk some guy grabbed me and pinned me on the wall.

"Hey pretty Lady. Want some fun" said the man. I smirked.

"Really? Because choking you out and stabbing you sound like fun." I said the man punched me in the face. I laughed. I used Dark web and Shadow realm to trap the man against the wall. I created a spider big enough to make it seem like it had trapped the guy.

"You'll pay for this you bitch" said the man. I looked at him. I smiled.

"Look at the situation you are in. I have the higher ground. Don't say anything that will end you up killed." I walked away. I met up with Denki and Sero At Denkis house.

"Your room is so cool" I said. I jumped on his bed with my back. Sero walked in with waters. He handed me one. Denki and Sero told me what happened between them and the 4 adult men who chased them at the mall. I laughed at them. They hit me with pillows.

"Soooooo we saw you yesterday with a tall guy. Who was he?" Asked Denki eating French fries. Sero sipped his drink looking at me. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Noisy much? No it was an uncle of mine and dekus. Since Inko now adopted me Inko thought it would be nice if I actually had a real family instead of feeling left out you know? So yeah." I said. Denki and Sero sighed. I know they wanted some drama or something to gossip about.

"Sooooo you're still single?" Asked Denki raising his eyebrows at me and leaning close to me. Sero did the same. I laughed and pushed them away.

"Oh stop it. Plus Denki you like Jirou and I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship. Goes for you too Sero. So you're both friend zoned. Sorry" I said shrugging. I took some of denki's fries and he hit my hand. I laughed and moved back a bit so he wouldn't hit me. We laughed for a few hours. It was now 6 pm. I started to walk home. Some man pulled me into an ally away and drugged me. I was a bit surprised. The drug actually was strong enough to make my whole body numb. I looked at the man and laughed. He was about to punch me. However this wasn't a normal man. It was a villain. Seemed much stronger than All Might. However someone stopped him and knocked him out. I looked up to find a guy around my age. Black fluffy hair, tan, drown eyes, 5'10. He picked me up and took me home. How'd he know where I live? He left me on the doorstep.

"Who are you and how do you know where I live?" I asked. He smirked.

"I'm new around these parts. Just moved in across the street down there. I saw you leaving this morning and I had been passing by. Andddddddd your grandmother hired me to kill you. However you don't seem that dangerous. Hard to believe Grace is your mother." He said laughing. I kicked him in the face. My body wasn't numb anymore. He fell on his ass. I got up.

"Don't say anything about my mother. Your don't know her. Nether does that old lady. My Mother was a perfect mother. She taught me everything I know. Heads up. You can try killing me but you will fucking lose. And oh. Tell the lady is was right. And I'm working with my father." I said. I walked in my house and Deku and Bakugo stood there looking at me.

"Who was that guy? What about Dabi?" Asked Deku. Bakugo looked out the window then me.

"I was walking from Denki's house, some random low life villain drugged me. It was a strong drug. And then he supposedly passed by. He lives down the street and he's my grandmother's friends grandson. He's here to kill me under her orders. I told him that it would be hard. And that I'm with the LOV. By the way, Bakugo, Deku and I work with the LOV. It's just to take them down. To gain their trust so yeah. And goodnight" I said running off to my room. I walked in and was thrown on the bed. And a bag at my head. I looked to see Toga.

"Sooo who's the guy? And what about you and Dabi?" She asked. I told her and she nodded. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the portal that popped up. We were in the LOV basement.

"Ok what's happening?" I asked. Some members scoffed. Shiggy rolled his eyes.

"This is your job. Your time to prof your with us. On Monday we will attack your training corse. Toga managed to steal the planner. So that day you will use your quirks to help us. Knock some people out. They won't get hurt badly ok?" Asked shiggy. I smiled.

"Keep clear from Denki, sero, Mina, Bakugo, and Deku. He's helping I know. I'll warn him. However I ran into someone today. A new person who might transfer into my Class. He knows nothing about the LOV only about AFO. Let me deal with him. I'm ready for some ass kicking..." I said smiling. AFO walked behind me and patted my back. I looked at shiggy.

"You're after every hero correct? All Might has gotten weaker over the years. He can only hold for about 20-30 minutes now. However he won't be there. Hawks, just burn or rip out his wings. But Mr. Awaiza don't lay a finger or him or Present Mic. They're actual hero's. Not after money." I said. AFO laughed. He loved the fact that his tests worked on me but oh how wrong he was. Shiggy started to believe me. Another portal opened and I ended up in my room. Deku was waiting for me.

"We will be attacked tomorrow. Training camp or something? I'll deal with the new kid and you knock some new kids out ok? Make it seem like we're being controlled ok?" I said Deku nodded. In the morning I changed into black ripped jeans and had a red princess corset top with off shoulder sleeves. I put on some red converse and grabbed my backpack and my suitcase that had my Hero costume and clothes. I ran downstairs and ran to school with Deku. We both woke up late. I bumped into Awaiza as I ran. He seemed mad that I had.

"Sorry sorry... I didn't see you. I know I'm late" I said. He looked at me and laughed. I was confused. Both Deku and I got here 2 hours early. It was 6 am. I sighed and fell on the ground and grabbed out my towel and used it as a blanket. Deku laid next to me on the floor. We fell asleep until it was 7:47 The whole class laughed finding us asleep on the floor. I chased Denki and sero and Mina for laughing. I grabbed my bags and got in the bus with everyone. I sat next to Mina in the back of the bus. Deku sat beside me as well and Bakugo near the window. We had been on the last row. Denki and sero as in front of min and I. The 6 of us talked and shared snacks the whole ride. I talked to Deku most of the time about what we have to do once the LOV shows up.

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