Chapter 5:My First Day

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Ki's POV:

"Hey...I won't tell anyone. I promise." Trevor said and I knew that I could trust him.

"Ok. Well you need to go downstairs so that I can get dressed."

"But no one's up Ki."

"Fine but stay put."


Then I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of light blue high waisted shorts, black vans, and my 'OBEY' hat. Then I walked down to JC's room, and grabbed the 'OBEY' tank top that I had bought him for his birthday. Then I walked back to my room, and got in the shower. I took a quick shower. Then I got up, got dressed and opened the door. Then I blow dried my hair. I walk over to my closet and grabbed my make-up.

"Whats that?" Trevor asked.

"My make-up" I answered

"You don't need make-up" Trevor said as he got up and tried to take my make-up. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door so that Trevor couldn't get in.

"You don't need make-up!" Trevor yelled through the door.

I put on make-up every day. So I put on my foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. Then I put make-up away. And came out of the bathroom. Only to see all the boys standing there.

"Whats up guys."

"Well...We're filming a video and we want you to be in it." JC said.

"Ok." I agreed

So we all went downstairs and set up. Then it was time to start the video, so we all sat down. And I got stuck next to Trevor again. Oh well.

"Whats up O2L!...JC here. And this weeks theme was truth or dare week. So I am here with Kian, Ricky, Connor, Sam, Trevor, and my sister Kiersten, but we call her Ki. So let's get started. Ok Ki, truth or dare?"

"Ummmm, truth."

"If you could kiss any one of the O2L boys, who would it be?"

"You because your my brother."

"Ok. Trevor, truth or dare?"

"Uh, dare."

"Ok. Kiss Ki."

"What? Dude, your kidding right?"

"Nope. Either kiss her or I get to tweet something on your Twitter."

Trevor put his hands on my waist and pulled me close, and kissed me. When he stopped, his face was beat red.

After JC ended the video, the boys decide to look for me and Trevor cuz we had left after Trevor's dare. But what the boys didn't know was that we were out back...kissing, when JC came out.

"How many dares did you 2 get?" He asked laughing

Me and Trevor blushed. Then JC called the guys and told them what he saw. Then they all said "Date already!" With smiles on their faces. And sure enough Trevor looked at me and said "Ki, will you be my girlfriend"

I looked at JC who nodded yes. Then I said

"Yes. I will be your girlfriend Trevor Moran."

And with that he kissed me. Then we went out to breakfast. Then when we got home the boys sat me on the couch. Then they ran upstairs and came back down with presents. Sam gave me his first. He got me 4 pairs of converse. "Thanks Sam" I said hugging him. Kian was next. "Kian got me 4, 50 dollar iTunes gift cards. "Thanks Kian" "No problem" Kian responded. I opened the rest of my presents. From Connor I got 4 beanies. Ricky got me 7 different phone cases. JC got me 8 new outfits, cuz he knew my size. And Trevor got me a necklace with my name on it. Then we went swimming after eating lunch. Then we went out to dinner at Taco Bell. And by the time we got home it was already 11:57 at night so I said goodnight to the boys and went upstairs to go to bed.

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