Chapter 13:My Prank And Kian's Dare

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I got in Kian's car, and sat in the very back.

And I also took his keys.



"What?" Trevor asked

"Ki went to come over here when someone pulled her outside. She broke out of their grip and ran to hide. She hid by a white Chevy. Thinking that the person wouldn't find her but they did. Then who ever the hell had he told me to say goodbye to my sister."

"Wait, how did he know that she was your sister?" Kian asked.

"He probly guessed."

"Oh." Kian replied.

"Well let's not just sit here. Let's go find her." Trevor kind of yelled.

"Yea. Your right. Let's go."

Ki's POV:

I seen the boys coming out of the hospital. Ricky must have spotted my phone cuz he ran over to where I put it. Now he was close enough for me to hear what he was saying.

"Guys, I found her phone!"

The rest of the guys came running over.

"Well come on guys lets go back to the house. Maybe she escaped him and ran there." Kian said.

"Yea. Let's go." JC said.

Then I quickly laid down. All the boys got in. Then Kian said

"Wait, let's go see if she's somewhere in the parking lot first."

"Yea, good idea Kian." JC said then they all got out.

I waited minute then I climbed up front, put Kian's keys on the dash, opened the door, and took off running towards the house. It was only about a 5 minute walk. Then when I got home I ran upstairs got changed in to a bathing suit, grabbed my shades, then went outback. I grabbed my pool float, put it in the pool, put on my shades, then got on my float. Then after about 5 minutes, i heard the boys pull up out front. I had left the back door open so that maybe they would get the hint then I got off of my float, and then put my shades on the float. Then I went over to the ladder that led to the balcony. Then I walked across the balcony, and climbed in the window that was in my room. Then I quickly changed back into my clothes, and went back out to the balcony. From there I climbed up onto the roof, and sat there. I heard footsteps so I made my self cry. Then I heard I think Kian yell "Guys!" Then all the guys were on the balcony talking. Then Trevor climbed up on the roof.

"Trevor what are you doing?" JC asked.

"I found her." He said and then all the other guys came up. I looked up still crying. Then I jumped up and hugged Trevor. The rest of the guys joining him.

"JC, I lost my phone. I'm sorry."

"Ricky found it."

"Really? Thanks Ricky!"

"Sure thing girl."

Then I started laughing. The guys looked at each other with confused looks. Then when I pulled my self together Kian asked "Why are you laughing Ki?"


"Because what?"

"I Gottcha!" I yelled while laughing.

The boys laughed.

"We'll get our revenge."

I stopped laughing and asked "Oh shit, how?"

"This is how." Kian said as he pushed Trevor into me and taped us together. Me and Trevor took advantage of this and we kissed. Then Kian regret what he did. So he took off the tape. And then him and JC picked up me and Trevor. Then they carried us off the roof, into the house, out the backdoor, and then they threw us into the pool. This made us stop kissing for one second, which was while we were under water. But as soon as we came back up to the surface we were kissing again. Then Kian said "That's it! As revenge I dare you not to kiss Trevor until..." he looked at his iPhone "...midnight!"

"And how many hours is that Kian?"

"That's 8 hours!"


"You heard me!"


Me and Trevor got out of the pool. Then we went to my room, changed, and then went back downstairs.

"Good, you guys changed. Let's go." Sam yelled.

"Go? Where?" I asked.

"Taco Bell...dinner remember?"

"Yea. I remember Sam."

"Good. Now let's go!"

We all piled into Kian's car, and drove to Taco Bell. When we got there we went in, ordered, sat down, got our food, ate, then we left. When we got to the house we went in sat in the living room, and decided to watch movies. We watched 2 movies, and had started the third movie, when Kian's phone went off. JC paused the movie, and we all looked at Kian.

"Dude!" Trevor yelled joking around with Kian "Why?"

"Because I set an alarm for midnight..."

"What, why?"

"Your seriously asking why?"

"No. Kian I was kidding. You set the alarm so that you would know when it was midnight so that you could tell me and Tre-" I was cut off by Trevor kissing me "vor when it was midnight so that we would know when it was alright to kiss again."

"Yes. Correct. So now you and Trevor can go up to your room and make out all you want." Kian said.

"Ok. But first haha Kian I went 8 hours without kissing Trevor."

"Yea. But you and Trevor are dying to kiss each other. So go make out in your room."

"Ok." Trevor said smiling. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my room.

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