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Sophie bolted up in bed to the sound of frantic ringing.

She stomped out of her bed to retrieve her imparter, which was going berserk from the ringing. Luckily Sandor, her seven foot tall goblin bodyguard, retrieved it before she even had to get in a meter of the ringing tech.

He scowled when he saw whos face lit up the screen.

"It's that boy again." He growled, Sophie rolled her eyes and pressed the answer button.

"Hiya Foster! Meet us at Everglen in a minute! I've got news! Annnnnd I can't be bothered to say it all twice." Sophie rolled her eyes again -wow! Her eyes should be in great shape if this kept on!-

"Good morning to you too Keefe." She said, "See ya in ten." Sophie quickly ended the call and changed into a clean red tunic and pants.

She arrived at Everglen, home to the Vackers, exactly five minutes later.

Biana unlocked the gate for her.

"We haven't even been able to get a peep out of Keefe, he's so determined to wait for everyone...Oop, that's Dex!" Biana quickly reversed back to the gate and unlocked it once more,

"NOW we've got everyone." Biana grumbled as she, Sophie, and Dex made their way over to where Keefe, Fitz, Linh and Tam were standing, along with Grizel and Ro.

Keefe held out the scroll dramatically, as if he was the royal messenger.

"Dear Lord Hunkyhair and followers..." He started.

"You are graciously invited to the greatest, the amazingest...Bahama eating contest!"

"I wouldn't say we're your 'followers'." Fitz said

"-Yet" Keefe corrected.

"You mean banana right?" Sophie asked,

"banana....yes. What is that mythical substance?" Keefe asked, jumping up and down like a little girl.

"A banana is a popular human fruit... it's not as delicious as elven fruits, but they're pretty good!" At this point Linh joined Keefe's hopping.

"What colour are they?" Biana asked,


Biana sulked. "Yellow defines gross."

Sophie giggled, "they're not THAT bad."

"Or are they?" They all heard Tam grumble. "Awwww come on Bangs Boy. Just give it a try!" Keefe said as he sat down in the grass. Sophie joined him.

"Soooo are we going?" Dex asked from where he leaned against a tree.

"Sure. I'll go." Surprisingly, the words came from Tam.

Keefe looked agog, "Tammy... I'm speechless... you would seriously do that... for me?"

Keefe asked, wiping fake tears away from his eyes, his lips stretched into a teasing smile.

"I'll now take that back," Tam grumbled for all to hear.

"Nah ah ahhh!" His twin wiggled her finger at him.

"You said yes and you're not taking it back!" "Fine. But that means we all gotta go. And NOW to get it over with." Tam decided.

Keefe grabbed onto Fitz and Biana, as Sophie grabbed Dex and Linh.

Sandor grabbed her shoulder, "You're not leaving without me" he squeaked.

Ro and Grizel grabbed onto their charges,

Ro towing Tam with her and shoving his hand into Fitz's.

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