Ch 67 - Talk in the Night

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"Then, what about a new school and environment?" Liang Jinmin asked.

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Yu Hao understood the implication. With Liang Jinmin's care, after he retakes the college entrance examination, as long as he passes the admission cut-off point, the college would admit him with her help. The reallocation of his major afterwards would proceed smoothly as well. And more importantly, after he finished his studies, he would be able to obtain a university degree!

"I've asked Zhou Sheng." Liang Jinmin, "Zhou Sheng has already given me a reply, but he said that he didn't want to influence your decision, so I wanted to hear your thoughts first."

Yu Hao thought, no wonder Zhou Sheng would suddenly say something like that today.

"Depends on Zhou Sheng ba." It only took Yu Hao a short moment to think it through, and he continued, "If he wants to drop out and retake the exam, then it's not a big deal for me to go elsewhere. It's just that......I think, studying in this college doesn't mean that I won't have a future path. If I do well, I can take the postgraduate examination at one of the first-tier universities."

For a long time Yu Hao hadn't been able to imagine his future, prospects, or his ideal life. But now, it all suddenly became clear.

"It's not that I don't have an opinion on it." Yu Hao smiled, "It's just that, I'm not very good at expressing myself. My thoughts tend to be similar to Zhou Sheng's; only he can express it more clearly. After we graduate, if we have the opportunity to apply to be a graduate student under you and my grades meet the criteria, you'll accept me too, won't you?"

Liang Jinmin smiled, "I understand now. I have nothing else I can offer you guys to show my gratitude. I just thought that I should at least exert my humble efforts to the utmost in order to protect two kids who are about to endure a retaliation from evil because they protected me."

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"No." Yu Hao suddenly said, "You don't understand, Liang Laoshi."

Liang Jinmin was stunned.

Yu Hao said, "Will it end just like that? You intend to make a clean break from your past, right? You plan to stay far away from him for the rest of your life and forget your past so that you won't be hurt again?"

Liang Jinmin continued staring at Yu Hao in a daze.

Yu Hao knew the reason for this in his heart -- Liang Jinmin has not been able to defeat the metallic monster entrenched in her dreamscape's city until now.

"There must be a way." Yu Hao thought about it for awhile, "I think, this may not be over yet......" He frowned and shook his head. He had the nagging sensation that he had overlooked something which could completely could completely turn their situation around. If there was really nothing he could do, then so be it. It's not like he would be unable to accept reality when confronted with hopelessness.

But he has a hunch that things could still take a favorable turn.

If only I was as smart as Zhou Sheng......Yu Hao has repeatedly discussed this case with Zhou Sheng over and over again, but their answers arrived at the same conclusion each time.

While they spoke, the waiter pulled open the partition and Chen Yekai came in.

"Sorry, I came late." Chen Yekai smiled, "Are you almost finished with your meal? I'm starving, let me eat a little first."

Liang Jinmin's expression returned to normal and she seemed to consider Yu Hao's words. Yu Hao passed the menu to Chen Yekai and asked him to order. Chen Yekai was wearing a navy shirt that he hadn't worn in a long time and a pair of black casual pants. A fragrant, refreshing cologne scent wafted from his body, mixed with the warmth of his body in summer, thoroughly revealing the sex appeal of an intellectual.

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