Ch 88.2 - Courage

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Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Medusa suddenly rushed forward. Zhou Sheng resolutely raised his shield, and with a "dang", he resisted Medusa's sharp claws.

"In this world." Dark Zhou Sheng held a cup of Long Island Iced Tea, "Not everything can proceed just as one wishes, and not all wishes would come true. If most problems could merely be solved with willpower and courage alone, how could there be so much helplessness in the world?"

Yu Hao nervously watched the battle between Zhou Sheng and Medusa. He muttered, "But there are many actions that need to be taken first before knowing what the outcome will be."

Zhou Sheng escaped to the corner of the arena. Medusa initiated a frenzied offence; the harsh blows of her sharp claws upon the shield were like a tempestuous storm. Zhou Sheng relied solely on the shield to resist them and had no chance to retaliate. The collisions against metal resounded thunderously.

His black dragon mount glared at the scene like a tiger watching its prey, but it didn't dare go forward, as if it had an innate fear of Medusa.

Zhou Sheng was clad from head to toe in armor so Yu Hao couldn't see his expression, but he knew that he must be having a hard time enduring it. He was so nervous that he could hardly breathe.

Zhou Sheng, completely covered in armor, suddenly raised his hand, found an opportunity, and a long sword appeared in his hand!

That was the sword Zhou Sheng wielded while assuming "General"'s identity when he first appeared in his dream! Zhou Sheng hardly ever used it since he got the jingubang. At this moment, the blade flashed. As he turned around, he made a sweeping motion with his sword, and an arc was drawn in the air.

Medusa let out a blood-curdling screech as she was sent flying. The long nails on her left hand had been cut off by the sword; blood splashed everywhere, and when she landed, wisps of greenish black smoke emitted into the air.

Iron-Armored General spun around in the air, swung his shield out, and swept through with his sword. But when Medusa landed, she gathered her energy in her tail and flicked it towards him like a bolt of lightning and waved her sharp claws. General instantly retreated, and his helmet was knocked away!

Yu Hao's heart lodged in his throat.

Medusa's eyes shot out a petrifying beam. Zhou Sheng used his shield to block it. A long tail swept over from the ground and knocked him down, while at the same time, the black dragon finally rushed out from behind Medusa. Medusa turned around, and the black dragon suddenly withdrew in horror.

Zhou Sheng's breastplate was now dented from the impact. He took off his gauntlets and gloves with one hand and threw them to the ground, which made a clanging sound when they landed. He moved his fingers about, shook his shield, and turned it into a jingubang. With a sword in his left hand and a jingubang in his right, he crossed them together and watched Medusa vigilantly.

Medusa revealed a ferocious smile as she slithered towards Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng let out a mad shout and rushed towards Medusa. He rolled over on the spot, brandished both his sword and the jingubang at the same time and threw her up; then he swung his sword down, and the nails on Medusa's sharp right claws broke!

Medusa was now in mid air with her long tail rolled upside down. Before Zhou Sheng could deal a critical hit to Medusa, she had already coiled around him, and her serpent tail swung him up into the air before violently smashing him down onto the ground!

Zhou Sheng practically landed head first, and Yu Hao seemed to have heard his skull hitting the ground, so he almost stood up!

"Don't forget that Medusa's weapons isn't limited to just her pair of claws." Dark Zhou Sheng said slowly.

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