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Innumerable scenes that looked like pictures flew out of Zhou Sheng, Yu Hao, and the unconscious Fu Liqun with a whoosh, and danced around them in a circle — those were the countless days they had spent together with Fu Liqun; how they accompanied one another in the dormitory, running around on the basketball court, jumping outside the teacher building, pooling money together to buy snacks before the ice-cream stall outside their college......countless memory fragments flashed brightly, appearing just like a flowing river of light.

The golden river of light stood still in an instant, and then turned into a vast expanse of blue light; it was like a quiet river that flowed into Fu Liqun's body.

Fu Liqun opened his eyes.

"Gege!" Yu Hao shouted out in pleasant surprise.

Zhou Sheng released Fu Liqun and exhaled a prolonged breath. He stared at Fu Liqun in a daze. Fu Liqun was laying in Zhou Sheng's arms with a blank face, following which, Zhou Sheng took the bottle and poured all of the remaining water onto Fu Liqun's face.

Fu Liqun immediately shouted as his head got drenched with cold water. He exhausted all his strength to get up and looked at Zhou Sheng, confused. Zhou Sheng got up, grabbed Yu Hao's hand, and went to sit down on the sofa.

Chen Yekai laughed, and Yu Hao started laughing too.

"Without love." Zhou Sheng said earnestly to Fu Liqun, "You still have us. See, don't you believe in that yourself as well?"

Yu Hao said, "That's right ma, see, Zhou Sheng loves you a lot too."

"Don't be corny!!" Zhou Sheng said to Yu Hao, then he threw Chen Yekai a meaningful glance to tell him that he definitely can't tell Fu Liqun what had just happened.

Fu Liqun wore a puzzled expression as he looked around, "Where am I?"

"Drink ba." Chen Yekai took another bottle of water and handed it to Fu Liqun. Fu Liqun was still baffled. He looked down at his clothes, and it took him a long time to snap out of his daze. He looked at them sadly, then smiled.

"I really can't bear to wake up." Fu Liqun, "When the sun rises, everything will be gone again."

"Where are you?" Zhou Sheng said, "What's the company called?"

Fu Liqun didn't answer and just turned his head. He drew the curtains to the French windows and looked out of it in a daze.

Zhou Sheng said, "Time, Gege, we need to hurry!"

Fu Liqun sighed and stood there, looking lonely. Zhou Sheng continued, "But your figure's been trained to look pretty good, you didn't open the gym in vain."

Chen Yekai motioned for him to come over, so Zhou Sheng and Yu Hao sat at the dining table. Yu Hao hadn't returned to this home in a long time and really missed the place where the three of them had lived together.

"Liqun." Chen Yekai said, "We've already received your request for help."

Fu Liqun closed the curtains, seemingly not willing to see the scenery outside. He turned around to look at Chen Yekai, then sat down on the sofa.

Yu Hao glanced over at Fu Liqun from time to time, worried, "How much longer do we have?"

"Can't estimate it." Zhou Sheng said, "The time in dreams is messed up, but it'll be easy now since we've found him."

Yu Hao said, "Do we tell Gege?"

Zhou Sheng said, "That's actually not that important. He's currently conflicted."

Yu Hao, "Conflicted over?" Then he suddenly understood. Fu Liqun was in a state of confusion himself; his willpower may be on the verge of yielding.

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