Ch 124 - Dinner Party

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Ying City.

After Zhou Sheng finished his presentation, he took a short break at his seat and sent Yu Hao a text. Yu Hao answered:【Accompanying the leaders for dinner】.

Zhou Sheng:【Then don't look at your phone anymore, lest you get scolded. Try not to drink if you don't need to.】

Yu Hao:【Ye Ge helped me take quite a bit, he's too good at drinking, his expression doesn't even change in the slightest】

Zhou Sheng:【Everything went smoothly on my side.】

Yu Hao:【That goes without saying. You've never failed before, no one in this world can beat you.】

Zhou Sheng smiled modestly and replied:【You can't say that. For example, when I got hit in the head with a heating pad, I did feel quite defeated.】

Yu Hao:【Are you a freaking Cancer or Scorpio? How could you still remember such a small thing! And in the end it hit Gege's head!】

Zhou Sheng:【It hit Gege's head, but it was my heart that suffered the pain. Okay, don't chat anymore, be a good kid. I'm going out for dinner too, and I'll be flying to Beijing in three days.】

Zhou Laichun darted into the Major Business Department's "18 layers of Hell" and patrolled it once. All employees who were waiting to get off work immediately started searching for something to do; those who chatted idly picked up files and pretend to discuss work, while those who were playing on their phones immediately looked up and opened half-written forms.

Zhou Laichun pointed outside as a signal to Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng hadn't even caught his breath before he had to get up and leave with Zhou Laichun.

"I'll go wash my face." Zhou Sheng said.

"There are hot towels prepared in the car." Zhou Laichun said, "Do you have anti-alcohol drugs ready?"

Zhou Sheng answered, "It's okay, I can more or less drink."

"Don't drink, just give it to me." Zhou Laichun said.

Zhou Laichun got into the car. The chauffeur turned around and handed him a hot towel, which Zhou Sheng used to rub his face vigorously.

"Your get-up with the glasses isn't bad." Zhou Laichun said, "Refined, like a scholar. What I regret the most now was not kicking your mother down from the building, and forcing you to study finance."

Zhou Sheng answered, "After inheriting the company, it wouldn't be too bad to send you prison meals from time to time."

The chauffeur nearly laughed aloud. Zhou Laichun pulled open the front seat, and there was a thermos cup inside and a tea set. The chauffeur drove very steadily. If Zhou Sheng was the one driving, he would have definitely messed with him by suddenly braking and letting the tea spray all over his father's face.

"You should know what to do tonight." Zhou Laichun said, "From tomorrow onwards, you'll be leading your own team."

Zhou Sheng said, "What about my salary?"

Zhou Laichun said, "What do you mean? How much do you want?"

Zhou Sheng said, "You have to pay me a monthly wage ba! Do you think I'm stupid? If it wasn't for supporting my family and wife, who would serve an overbearing bully like you?"

Zhou Laichun, "......"

"You've finished spending all the money on that card?" Zhou Laichun said, "You invested it all in that qun guy's company?"

Zhou Sheng said, "Oh, I thought it was a betrothal gift for the Yu family na, I let him take it to Beijing."

Those words nearly made Zhou Laichun vomit blood out of anger. Zhou Sheng said, "But you should at least pay me a wage ba. I know the past three months have been an internship, but I did work for you ah. Do you think that with Wu Bin's capabilities, he would've been able to finish the entire proposal for the project? That other departments would have been willing to cooperate with him to get him the data and information? Even if something as ludicrous as that did happen, and he managed to do everything, would he have been able to present like how I did today? For such an important occasion, he wouldn't even be able to speak steadily once he stands on stage ba!"

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