Ch 69 - Sealed for Safekeeping

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By 1am that morning, the entire college had fallen into a deep slumber.

"The words you said to Lin Xun," Under the moonlight, Zhou Sheng propped Yu Hao up to climb over the wall so that they could get back to their dormitory, "Have you been thinking about them for awhile now?"

"No." Yu Hao replied, "I don't know why I suddenly said all that. So naggy, I felt like Xuanzang......"

Zhou Sheng, "It was really well said."

Yu Hao, "Ai he must think that I'm just a brat ba."

Zhou Sheng laughed. Yu Hao continued, "Don't laugh, I'm going to fall!"

It wasn't easy for Yu Hao to climb up, yet Zhou Sheng said, "He died at the hands of two brats - Lin Xun will remember that for the rest of his life."

"It's good if he remembers." Yu Hao said, "It'll be best if he gets life imprisonment."

"It's finally over." Zhou Sheng was both mentally and physically worn out.

"It's over." Yu Hao said, "I didn't expect reality to be even more difficult to deal with than dreams."

The two of them passed through the corridor. Zhou Sheng draped his arm around Yu Hao's shoulder, "The moon is really round today."

Yu Hao, "It's the 15th."

They stood in the corridor and looked at the lone moon in the sky. Its light looked both sacred and pure; under its illumination, the darkness and evil in the world seemed to vanish into nothingness, to reveal a tranquil and grand dreamscape.

"It's not unusual for the sun to appear in the day, but it's really rare for the moon to appear at night." Zhou Sheng said, "So even at night, we feel no fear."

"That's wrong." Yu Hao said, "The sun comes first, day follows after."

The door to their dormitory rang softly. Zhou Sheng used his phone to illuminate their surroundings and entered quietly. Yu Hao saw a laptop on Fu Liqun's table. There was a cup of water and a torn pack of instant noodle condiment beside it.

We've committed a sin......Yu Hao couldn't bear to imagine how Fu Liqun must have longed for the food that he was supposed to bring from 8pm, and how he passed the time by watching some American TV series and endured with cold water and a packet of instant noodle condiment from yesterday; all the way until 12am, with no one replying to his messages, so he could only go to bed in despair.

When Zhou Sheng saw Fu Liqun's table, he too was speechless for a moment. He looked at the bed and both of them heard Fu Liqun's stomach grumble with a "gu--".

"You guys are finally back?" Fu Liqun said in a hopeless voice that sounded as if he had nothing left to live for in this world, from where he lay in bed.

Zhou Sheng quickly turned on the light, "I forgot to buy the instant noodles, I'll definitely buy it tomorrow. Yu Hao brought dinner back for you. Come down and eat it ba."

"There's Japanese fried rice and sushi! And there's two portions of fried rice!" Yu Hao said, "Gege, I'm sorry, we won't leave you alone in the dorm again!"

It was not until the latter half of the night that Yu Hao began to finally feel excited and agitated. They had actually defeated Lin Xun! Afterwards, it got harder for him to fall asleep, until Chen Yekai sent a message:【He's been arrested.】

Huang Ting:【Things finally took a turn for the better, we found the light at the end of the tunnel. Please accept my bended knees, both of you.】

Chen Yekai:【Make haste the preparations for a silk banner, arrange for it to be sent on an auspicious day.】

Huang Ting:【Aye!】

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