Watching The Clouds

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Rainbow and applejack were in the back garden sat against a log watching the clouds go by.

Rainbow: *points to a cloud* that one looks like a rocket.

Aj: *points to another cloud* that one looks like an Apple!

Rainbow: *chuckles and rolls her eyes* aj you think everything looks like an apple.

Aj: *strokes her cheek against rainbows freshly washed hair and smells it* your hair even smells like them.

Rainbow: that's because the shampoo is apple scented. Gee I wonder who chose that.

Aj: erm actually dashie you did.

Rainbow: *blushes* oh erm that's erm because the scent reminds me of you.

Aj: *chuckles and continues smelling rainbows hair* you're sweet. Anyway what other clouds are there?

Rainbow looked up at the sky scanning the clouds for another 15 minutes, until she finally saw one the had particular shape.

Rainbow: that one looks like castle!

Aj: *sees the cloud that rainbow is taking about* oh yeah so it does. *sees a different cloud* look! That one looks like a love heart. Must be here to show how much we love each other.

Rainbow: you're so sappy.

Aj: *chuckles* yeah but you love me.

Applejack pulled rainbow further into her arms and stroked her apple scented hair more. Rainbow had really soft hair especially after it had been washed, and aj loved running her hands through it. Every few seconds she would kiss the top of rainbows head, and eventually the younger girl fell asleep.

Aj: *kisses rainbows temple and whispers* I love you.

This was one of applejacks favourite things to do with rainbow. Just sitting quietly and watching the clouds.

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