His GF is a Bitch Pt2

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PART 2! - L


"Y/N!" Luke calls after you but you don't bother turning back to face him. You bolt into the bathroom and try to slam the door but half of Luke's body is in the doorway stopping you. You let out a frustrated cry and lean back against the sink.

"Talk to me, what did Clarice say?" He pleads before slipping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him, locking you two in the tiny bathroom. His chest is inches from your face and you have to remember how to breathe as you inhale his scent.

"It doesn't matter Luke, you're with her now." You sigh and his fingers slip up to your chin, forcing you to look into his sea blue eyes. A tear slips down your check and his thumb rubs it away. 

"It always matters when it comes to you Y/N." Your eyes slip down to his lips and you lean in but stop yourself. Luke is dating Clarice, he doesn't like you like that. You're not pretty and skinny like Clarice.

"She called me a fat bitch and threatened to kill me if I did anything to your relationship with her." You mumble and Luke's eyes widen.

"She said that?!" He gapes at you as you slowly nod.

"What a bitch. Wow." Luke shakes his head and leans down to you.

"I'd always put you first Y/N, you mean more to me than her." He whispers and he gently presses his lips to yours. You lean in and let yourself be wrapped up in the kiss.


"Hey Y/N it's me... Again. I just... Please, talk to me. Don't leave me in the dark. I dumped Ally, I don't know what happened but please talk to me."

You listen to the 50th voicemail from Calum. You haven't called him back. It's not his fault Ally was a bitch but you aren't in the mood to talk to him. You flop your head back on your pillow before closing your eyes and trying to get some sleep since it is 3:30am.

A sudden crash wakes you up and sit bolt upright, ready to fight when you recognise the figure in your room. You switch on the light and rub your eyes.

"Cal?" You squint as Calum looks around him.

"The fuck happened here?" He gestures towards the destroyed bedroom, you'd knocked over your lamp and bedside table. You had kicked a dent in the wall and you weren't sure how you were going to explain that to your landlord.

You shrug, not wanting to have to explain yourself to Calum. You had a temper and he knew that.

"I know what happened, I finally got Ally to spill."

"Good for you." You grumble and flop back down onto your pillows, your eyes already closing ready to go back to sleep.

Suddenly the bed dips under the weight of another body and Calum's arms wrap around your waist. His face is snuggled into the back of your neck as he inhales.

"I'm sorry Y/N, for being ignorant and not seeing that Ally is such a bitch."

You giggle and pat Calum's hands.

"It's okay Cal, at least you know now."


You run out into the bright sun, tears streaming down your cheeks. You don't know where you're headed but you know that you don't want to go back. You can't believe Michael didn't even try to fucking defend you. That's what hurt the most, he just laughed and turned his back on you.

Another huge sob escapes you and you collapse by a tree trunk before laying in the grass and sobbing.

You don't know how long you lie on the grass but when you open your puffy eyes the sun has disappeared and a raindrop lands on your arm.

"Y/N!" You recognise Luke's voice and you shrink back, not wanting to leave this peaceful place and go back to reality. 

Luke spots you and runs over.

"Y/N, fuck we've been searching everywhere for you." He crouches down to your level and brushes your hair out of your face. Your heart skips a beat as you think that Michael is searching for you and that he actually left Bailey to come and find you.

"Guys I found her!" Luke calls and Ashton and Calum appear. Luke gently slides his hands under your knees and back before lifting you off the ground and walking home. You feel crushed that Michael didn't come and search for you.

"Where's Michael?" You ask Luke and you can see him gulp. Oh no.

"He's um with Bailey. They haven't left his room." You close your eyes to try and stop the fresh tears but it's too late. They are already soaking your shirt again and Luke grips you tighter.

You get home and Luke puts you down on the sofa. Ashton finds a blanket and puts it over you before holding your hand and smiling weakly. You snuggle down and try to nod off, attempting to ignore the aching pain in your chest where your heart is.


You wake up to screaming and sit up, listening to the conversation that is happening in the kitchen.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE TALKING ABOUT?!" Michael yells and you recognise the other voice as Luke.


You gasp and bite your lip, waiting for Michael's reply. Your heart is beating so fast and loud that you're scared you're going to miss his response.

"But I don't love her back."


"Y/N come out with us." Your friend says for the 100th time as you stare out of the café window. It has been a week since Ashton told you he had a girlfriend and you have completely frozen him out of your life. You've ignored his calls, tweets and voicemails. He even got in touch with your friend to make sure you were okay but she told him to fuck off.

"Y/N?" Your friend waves her hand in front of your face and you frown.

"Sorry what?" You look at her and she sighs.

"You're thinking about him again."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are, you have that face when you think about him." You scrunch up your face.

"No I don't."

Your friend's face drops and she takes your hand across the table, looking seriously into your eyes.

"Y/N don't turn around." You automatically look over your shoulder and try to ignore the hole in the chest as you see Ashton with Ella at the counter getting a coffee.

"Y/N..." Your friend begins and you push back your chair, ready to leave. You pick up your bag and stand.

"Y/N!" Oh shit. Ashton spots you and runs over.

"Why haven't you answered any of my calls? I've been worried."

"Sure you have." You say sarcastically and he looks taken back.

"What's got into you?" Ashton reaches out for your hand but you pull away.

"Don't touch me." You say with venom in your voice. His eyes widen.

"What the fuck happened to you?" He asks, looking hurt and you try to keep your uncaring front up but you can feel your walls crumbling.

"You broke my heart, that's what fucking happened Ashton. You took it in your hand and crushed it before dancing around and leaving it out to rot!" You scream, ignoring all the people staring in the coffee shop. He gasps and your friend takes your arm guiding you out of the shop as the tears stream down your cheeks.

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