Chapter 1: Don't Worry, It Only Seems Kinky

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"Why, hello Alexander! Was there something you needed?" Jefferson remarked in a mocking and sarcastic manner. He was leaning against the door frame with his left arm stretched above his head and the other resting on his hip. He was blocking the entire freaking doorway. 

"Cut the crap. You know exactly why I'm here." Alex's tone was irritated, he hated every moment of this, especially the part where he needed Jefferson's help. He pushed Jefferson to the side so he was no longer blocking the doorway and rushed into the house. Thomas smoothed down his velvet magenta blazer, closed the door and then followed Alexander up the stairs at a leisurely pace. 

Alex walked into Jefferson's room waiting for him, after Jefferson walked in at his own leisurely place. Alexander closed the door, locked it then rolled up the doormat and shoved it in n the tiny space between the door and floor. Thomas went slightly red in the face and raised an eyebrow.

"I can't have anyone hear or listen into this meeting or our potential deal." Alex said, he paced up and down and continued

"Look, I'll give you my vote for your prom/homecoming/whatever dance-"

Thomas interrupted him, "-It's a Winter's Ball."

"Yeah. That. If you give me your vote to increase the budget for the debate team so they can actually go to competitions."

"Works for me."

They shook hands over the deal and Hamilton walked toward the door, unlocked it and removed the doormat that was underneath the door.

"Dinner's macaroni by the way." Jefferson said

"We've gotta stop making deals, if I eat any more macaroni and cheese dinners,  I'll die." Alexander commented. 

A/N: That's the first chapter/part. I'm sorry it's so short but that's life. I'll have an update by next week hopefully. God knows. Let me know if I made any spelling/grammar errors, punctation is the bane of my existence. 

- E

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