The Rooftop II

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"Hello Atsushi-kun!!"

Atsushi flinched and turned around and sighed in relief "oh Dazai-san, it's you" Dazai then puts his hand over his heart "Aw I'm hurt that you weren't excited to see me~" Atsushi then started moving his hands around dramatically "Ah! Y-You got the wrong idea! I j-just didn't know that you would be up here I-I thought there would be an intruder!"
Dazai then laughed "I was just messing with you, anyways-" he pulled out the keys "It was my turn to lock up but I found you asleep so I just waited until you woke up" atsushi then looked at dazai "why didn't you wake me up??" The brunet male chuckled and started patting atsushi's head "you look so peaceful when you were sleeping, so I decided to let my little were-tiger sleep" Atsushi's face to turned a very bright red in shocked to hear his crush say that to him, while leaning on the fence on the edge of the building looking at the moon, Atsushi looked at dazai and had the courage to confess " I- Eugh-" Atsushi started feeling a terrible pain on his chest like thorns wrapping around his lungs, it was kinda hard to breathe and was unbearable this time but he started feeling dizzy. By the time he fell, dazai caught him before he hit the ground. After atsushi fainted, dazai noticed that atsushi was started to sweat and was grasping for air.
Dazai bridal carry atsushi into the infirmary and called Yosano "Hello?" She replied "Hello, sorry for calling you this late but something happened to atsushi and he isn't looking to good" She sighed "I'm on my way." As soon as she came in the agency going into the infirmary she saw dazai "okay I'm here what's going on with atsushi?" Dazai looked at her then atsushi "I don't know, we were at the rooftop and talked but then he just collapsed" She then look at atsushi to see if anything was wrong with him "hm....I'm not seeing any injuries or anything serious. We might need to use the X-ray scan on him just to be sure but we are gonna have to take him to the hospital in order to do that" Dazai then nodded "Dazai you can go home I'll lock the agency for you and take atsushi to the hospital" Dazai then looked at atsushi and sighed "Alright see you tomorrow then and here the keys" Yosano took the keys from dazai and dazai went straight home.


Published: 3/19/2021

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