Found you

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A/N: Before reading, I wanted to clarify the when I use these (") Its the character is having a conversation between different people but if I use (') it's what the character is thinking in their head also same goes for (《》) but its the voice of a different character in his'/hers/theirs mind.
Anyway enjoy!^^


Kyouka starts her journey to the forest, kyouka uses the red string tied around a tree to mark her spot so they dont get lost because of the piles of snow that are covering trails. Kyouka continues while the string follows passing trees. She realizes she is almost running out of thread so she looks around to find something but no avail so she decided to just continue leaving the thread behind since atsushi's life is on the line.

Few minutes pass by she still could find him until she noticed a pair of shoes sticking out of a tree, she quickly dashes 'atsushi!' She looks but no one was there then sees a pair a feet in the distance 'that must be him' she runs to the other tree and looks in, to her surprise. "Atsushi!" She screamed noticing the male with blueish-white skin "Demon snow, carry atsushi!" Demon snow appears and turns to the male carrying him, then kyouka takes off her cloak and covers atsushi.

Kyouka searches for her trail but no footprints were found " I have to find my way back.." Kyouka hears muffles of growling "wolves..Demon snow attack the wolves" A voice was heard as the wolves were getting taken down and demon snow stops for further orders from kyouka "Heh..That won't be necessary" Kyouka's expression changes "Its you again." Dazai smiles "haha miss me! Thank you for finding him I'll take it from here" Arms stretches out for atsushi but then was stopped "There's a nicer way to reject someone y'know? Is this your way of caring for him as a "friend" by hurting him more?" Kyouka glares at him.
Dazai looks the unconscious atsushi and hesitates "If it makes you feel better just take all the credit saying you saved him-" He was cut off "Answer my question!" She sighs "..Nevermind there's no point of getting it out of you. Just get us out of here before more come" Dazai just laughed and carries atsushi.

Few hours later

Dazai and kyouka managed to find their way out and went separate ways while dazai went to take atsushi home, he laid atsushi on the bed. A thought popped to dazai

《There's a nicer way to reject someone y'know? Is this your way of caring for him as a "friend" by hurting him more?》

he thought 'Me? Hurting him?' He looked at atsushi and sighed while heating up a bowl of water then putting the damped towel on his head. He tucked atsushi while hearing the small male groaned as he shifted a bit on the bed "Aw my little were-tiger is so cute when he's asleep~" he put his hand through atsushi's hair and quickly retreats it because something made him realize what he has said 'wait, why did that feel different this time even tho I say it a lot-' His heart started to feel warm, he puts his hand over his chest and sighs 'This weird feeling again..' He gets off the bed and leaves the apartment.

"I'll see you tomorrow atsushi.."



Published: 7/5/2022

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