hair dye and the quest

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Wills Mom has been helping with the wedding since we told her we decided on the color theme

Black and Yellow

Obvious I know

But anyways I bought red hair dye and I hope it looks good I've been wanting to dye it for a while and I mentioned it to Will one time I hope he likes it


(One hour later)

I dried my hair and I look in the mirror

"Oh dear gods," I say

It's not bad but it's just Idk maybe it's my insecurity, I was hoping I looked better

(Btw it looks amazing he is just self-conscious)

I throw on my beanie and tuck the strands in it and throw off my leather jacket so it looks like my usual style

Fuck it's hot today tho

Oh well

I go outside and it is the middle of summer I was getting looks from people but I ignored it

I see Will and Bianca playing in the grass and I grin and snatch her up

"Hey, she is my child too" Will laugh

I stick my tongue out and Bianca giggles

"Papa funny" she giggles and I grin widely

Will eyes me "babe it's very hot why are you wearing that," he says and I look away shyly

"No reason," I say and Bianca looks at me curiously and puts her baby hand on my beanie, and pulls it off

Dam got exposed by my child

I glance at Will and his jaw dropped and his face was as red as my hair

"Uh hi," I say and Bia is pulling my hair gently memorized by the color

Will looked away blushing darkly "you look really hot, not gonna lie" He mumbles and I push he chuckles and comes up to me messing with my hair

"Really? I thought I looked stupid" I mumble and Will sighs

"Nico you look amazing stop doubting yourself," Will says kiss my head and Bia cheek

I grin and take off my leather jacket and Will looks at me like I was the best thing since sliced bread

Rachel runs over "Nico! Will!" She says and stops in front of us she does a double-take on me and shakes it off

"I just gave another prophecy Tanner was with me and he wrote down what I said" she hands me a piece of paper and I read aloud

"Child of flowers born and abandoned in the city
In a place dark and scary
Will the infant's stepbrother save her for their own sake
Or will she be left at the hands of the fates"

I look at Will and he looks confused while I was fuming

" Nico..?" Will asks and I hand him, Bianca, as my hands were shaking

"I'm about to give Persephone a piece of my mind," I say pacing he looks at me

"For cheating on your dad or.." He shuts up seeing my face

"I could care less she cheated it's not like my dad was faithful," I say gesturing to myself and he snorts

"It's the fact she had the guts to abandon her child in a city after she was born, I swear once Demeter hears about this she is gonna be pissed" I state

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