The Battle

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Nico Pov

We where all dressed in armor and had our weapons as we where preparing for the war meeting too discuss battle strategy

"So first things first we need too decide when Ares goes in" Chiron said  looking at the war God

"Hey I don't fight for you half bloods Ill step in when I see things going bad or when I know its time" he snaps at us

"Alrighty then" I say rolling my eyes

"Okay so we need people lining up around the barrier because he can enter from either side so we need people too watch out for them " I explain taking the lead on this

"Thats a good idea I have the Stolls guarding the front of camp right now and Jason and Piper on the back of camp and other campers for the parts so we have people keeping an eye for them" Annabeth says

"Thanks Annabeth okay so when they arrive I need everyone too fight with their best abilities Will is gonna be out there when someone gets injured he is the best Battle Medic here after all" I say glancing and Will proudly

"Thanks Nico oh so I got my dad too help Rachel with Esperanza and Bianca as you all know he is mortal now so I thought it be best if he stayed with her too help but I know he will protect them and we all know Rachel is feisty and stubborn not gonna let anything happen too them " Will says giving me, Jade
and Leo reassurance

I nodded taking deep breath "leave Robbie too me I wanna take him head on myself" I said serious no one argued with me

"Ares if this doesn't end you will step in" I stated glaring at him not caring he gets mad

"Yea yea whatever death spawn" he says annoyed

"Alright guys ready?" I said everyone shouted yes and I nodded then all of a sudden the doors bust open it was the Stolls

"Nico! They're here!" They yelled

"Battle stations!" I said Will and I running out too the front of camp seeing Robbie and his army

Everyone followed me having weapons ready we all stop staring at eachother Robbie stepped up and so did I

"Give it up di Angelo just hand over your daughter and we will leave you and the camp alone" He said as if that was a compromise

"Over my dead body" I growl clenching my sword

"Well if you wish die I'll gladly help with that...NOW!" He says and his army advances

Both sides start fighting and I'm one on one battle with Robbie Im not able too pay attention too which side is winning but I do notice familiar blond hair running around which makes me glad that Will is okay. Robbie tries too take out my feet I jump and kick him in the face doing a back flip off his his face surprisingly not breaking his neck he screams at me and tries too strike me with his sword hits my arm cutting across my arm and he tries too stab me but I dodge and slice part of his side and he hisses in pain and gives me time too point the sword right at his neck

"Call it off right now or I will kill you" I say too him

"Can't tell me what too do Nicolette " he says calling me by my dead name

"Don't test me" I growl

"Nico!" Will shows up next too me

"Stay out of this blondie" Robbie growls eyeing my sword pointing at his throat

"You think you can rape my boyfriend! Beat him! And almost kill him! And try too take my daughter! and you think I won't do nothing! Well your sadly mistaken because they are my business! " Will yells which makes me surprised he usually is calm in these situations

"Will calm down" I whisper too him keeping my eyes on Robbie

Ares appears and Robbie almost falls back in panic "D-Dad?!'' He yells

"Call off this battle right now and you won't suffer consequences  " Ares growls at Robbie

Robbie glares and yells at Ares "just because your a God I don't give a fucking dam what you do too me I will finish this!" Before any of us can do anything he jumps at me too stab me before I could reach my sword

I close my eyes waiting for the pain but nothing happens I open them and Robbie is on the ground dead bleeding  from a stab wound right at his heart

"W-what? W-who?" I look at Will and Ares and they are staring at something next too me I look over and see a dude in a black Jacket

"Who are you" I ask and the guy looks up and my eyes widen and my eyes get misty

"It can't be.." I whisper

"Hi Nico"


Hi guys sorry for the short chapter but I needed too update but I hope it was full of action and something you guys will love it

Also sorry for the long wait I have been having lots of family issues right now and so Updates are gonna be slow but I will try my absolute best too update as fast as I can because you guys deserve too updates

Also who do you think the mysterious guy is and why did Nico react that way and how did get there in time too save Nico?

Also who else is happy Robbie is gone for good like lets just celebrate that

Woooooo! Paaaaarty! Robbie is finally dead Yaaaaaay!

Is it bad I'm cwlebraring a death  I feel like its bad


Anyways see you for thr next update byeeee love youuuu!

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