The Prophecy

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Will pov

When Nico blacked out I caught him and put him on the bed I then looked at the others they looked scared and worried

"Will I don't understand what the prophecy means I know we have to be on the Argo II again which will be the Argo III Now I have to rebuild it and you and Nico have too do something and where the ghost kind almost died Nico has almost died several times and close what was once sealed like what does that mean!" Leo was freaking out

I understand why Nico was his best friend plus on the last great prophecy Leo died and cane back to life plus he almost killed himself building the first ship

"Leo calm down let's take a deep breath and think for a moment " I said he took a deep breath and sighed Jaden stared at him wait that reminds me

"While we all take a break for a moment Jaden you need a check up" I said she frowned and rolled her eyes handing the baby to Leo they left and we went to Jadens room

"You know when I first met your brother he tried to fight me because he didn't want to go to the infirmary for 3 days " I smiled good times she cracked a smile

"That sounds like Nico on the streets after Leo joined us Nico would always be staying up late to keep watch and when I woke up to tell him to sleep he said 'no you need to rest' which I ended up staying up with him and when he got hurt refused to any treatment which led to Leo holding him down while I cleaned him up Nico is selfless I've never seen him happy until he met you" she said I gaped like a fish wow

"Yeah he is still like that but less of a fight tho " I was doing the check up everything seemed fine which is good

"Ok now I'll get Annabeth to do this if you want for the next part I need you to remove your shirt so we can see if anything is wrong with your back or lack of health " I said she debated on it and shrugged

"You can do it I don't care 1 your basically a doctor 2 your gay so it's not like your into women and 3 I trust you more then most people here besides Leo and Nico " she said I nodded and she remove her shirt ahe was wearing a sports bra so we where good I had her turn around she looked a little self conscious and when she turned around I saw why

Her back was filled with scars up and down a few spelt words that I would never repeat out loud and it was just horrible I took a deep breath and touched them she winced I frown

"Jaden these scars should not hurt when was the last time you where um..." I hesitated on saying the word

"Beaten? Yeah well that was last week ok on the streets I would be in fights and stuff and when I was kidnapped he would beat me at camp tho let's say .......don't tell Piper this please especially when we go back to camp to start building the ship....but most her siblings don't like me a few are sweet and try to help but Drew and her minions have this bracelet that when they try to hurt me they put it on and it stops me from using my powers and they hurt me badly " she looked down I am so speechless

"Piper needs too know about this and so does Chiron they can do something so bad that they could kill you who all knows about this " I ask worried

She grabs my hand and I know what she wants I travel through her memories we land on a night she was walking on the beach skipping rocks

Then Jaden looked at peace which im happy about but then drew and her 2 other friends come up behind Jaden and put the bracelet on her wrist and the kick Jaden in the side which made her fall gasping they take her mouth and tied her up I see another Aphrodite camper looks like the one piper hangs out with running on the beach and gasp seeing this yelling at Drew too stop Drew ignoring her the camper runs back to the camp Drew tells her friends something and they take Jaden too the dock I gasp knowing what's happening they throw Jaden off the dock and run back to camp Jaden struggling under water sets to give up then memorie goes black but a few minutes later the memeorie comes back of Jaden gasping spitting out water she in the sand and looks around sees the Aphrodite camper Nico, Leo and Percy they looked relieved

Then Percy says "Jaden I'm glad Your Ok but we need too tell Chiron before this gets worse" he looked really upset I shook my head hugging my knees shivering Leo pulls me close wrapping his warm arms around me

"Jaden please I can't lose you" Leo whispered he sounded like he was crying Jaden sighed

"Please don't tell him it will make it worse guys " then Jaden said she looked at Nico who had his fists clenched and silent no emotion on his face

"Fine but they come near you I will spray them with water and something like this happens again Chiron will be told and Margie thanks for telling us what your siblings where doing that was brave" Then Percy said Margie nodded gave Jaden a hug and ran off

"Guys I need to go ok see you in the morning" then Percy patted Jaden on the back and left

Jaden broke down crying in Leo's chest Leo held her close Nico joined the hug but didn't make a sound he still had the no emotion face

Then the memory ended I let go and she looked down I gave her a hug and pulled away she put her shirt back on and sighed

"After that they only picked on me a few times but that still didn't stop Nico was the one I was worried about I don't knowing you noticed he has been avoiding me lately I mean he still talks to me and he did get my baby back but haven't you noticed at all" now that Jadens says it he has been avoiding her a little

"Well other then the scars your healthy um I'll give you some ointment you can have me or Leo or whoever you feel comfortable with put it on ok" I changed the subject I know why Nico has been avoiding her lately

"Ok I'll ask Leo thanks Will" she left she confusing but I care about her I go check on Nico he was awake he was holding his stomach I sighed I'm scared too death yes but Nico must be terrified we don't was to lose our baby

Nico pov

I know what that prophecy means and I don't want to do this but we have too or my baby will die I can't lose my baby I see Will put of the corner of my eye I run up to him and jump in his arms nd let out a sob he holds me close I feel a few tears hit my shoulder I know he is crying too

"I know what the prophecy means " I whisper he pulls me back an looks at me I sighed and put a shirt on and walk out in the living room they all stand up when they see me I woke my eyes and spoke

"The first part of the prophecy means we all have to call on the Argo II again Leo you don't have to rebuild it my father used his magic to recreate in so you will be fine my dad visit me in a dream to tell me "Leo looked still scared but relieved

"What about the rest of the prophecy " Frank asked I gulped and made eye contact with Percy and Annabeth I saw Annabeth scanning the prophecy then her eyes widen she whispered in Percy ear and he turned pale white and they looked back at me

"Oh hell no Nico you are not " he said I gulped Percy can't stop this no matter how hard he tried

"Do you think j want too Percy if don't try I will lose my baby ok and no you are not coming it says only me......a-an-and W-Wi-Wil-Will and I don't even want will coming with me I can't have him hurt but it either we don't do it and lose our child and whatever happens to Olympus or we try and most likely my child will live and those blasted gods can win no offense Apollo anyways Percy I'm sorry ok!" I hate when Percy tells me what to do I'm already terrified enough Percy looked a little guilty because I had tears down my face Annabeth looked ready too cry

"What going on where do we have too go" Will asked putting a protective arm around me I sighed and looked at Percy and Annabeth they gulped and the 3 of us said



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