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Nico pov

Robbie threw some type of liquid on me but i then kicked Robbie out and slammed the door locking it Damasen looked confused

Will came over and hugged me tightly I took a shaky breath he rubbed my back Damasen look at the liquid that splattered on my shirt

"I have know idea what this is " he muttered he sighed and continued making food I looked at Will

"We need to keep moving " I said he nodded Damasen came back in with backpacks and dagger for Will and he had his own backpack as well

"I coming with you I Will not make the same mistake I made with Percy and Annabeth " he said I smiled and nodded

"Ok let's get going" we walked out and started walking when a group of empiusa walked by then turned to us and tried to attack I scewred one in the back Will sliced the dagger threw ones neck wow I never seen Will kill a monster but he looked hot

Damasen picked the rest up and threw them across tarturus Will and I look at him he shrugged and we walked off I followed Damasen Will held my hand Gods we all looked terrible except Damasen he been here long enough to master the secrets of tarturus

I then screamed and fell on my knees holding my stomach Will looked panicky he laid me down to examine he looked confused and scared

"That's not possible your only a couple weeks Damasen what's happening " Dmasen came over and saw the problem he cursed

"How could I forget ..there is a old prophecy about a a baby who was born from a child of Hades and Apollo you two and it would be really powerful Robbie must know about the prophecy that liquid he threw on you was too make the Pregancie speed up so the baby would be born he wants your child for himself " I screamed in pain Will didn't k ow what to do he was scared Damasen took over

Crusiem birth scene later

After that painful experience too was holding our Daughter Will looked at her and smiled

"We need to protect her but how can we keep her safe in tarturus " I asked Damasen and Will

"Well her scent is not strong yet but it's there we just have to be careful " he said but he didn't look sure

Will took her and looked at her he grinned "she has your hair and my eyes " he said I looked at her and she does she smiled at us

"Hello Bianca " I whisper she giggled we started walking again gods this is the most dangerous quest and I'm taking it with my new born child probably only thing ever born in tarturus

Well let's hope for the best and walk out new child in the place like a walk in the park except

A walk threw hell

Trans Nico (solangleo love story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now