Solangelo Answers

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Will: well today we will answering your questions! Isn't that right Nico?

Nico: sure

Will: *gives him a look* alrighty then lets get started

_-HunterStorm78-_ do you guys get kinky often?

Nico: *goes dark red*

Will: *smirks* well Nico does like it when I-

Nico: *covers his mouth and face goes darker red* shhhh!

Will:*chuckles and kisses his cheek* alright I'll be quiet

Nico:*sighs in relief*

Drarrywillcoshipper7 have you guys learned too be more contraceptive? No more teen pregnancies

Will: yes we have but also *looks at Nico*

Nico: *takes deep breath* so I have good news....I started Testorone shots I stopped a long time ago because when I ran away from camp I couldn't afford it my voice was slightly deeper from when I use too be on it so it wasn't so obvious but after the war and stuff I now I decided that now I can afford T-Shots I can finally begin what I started and that also means no more babies.....for now

Will: *smiles proudly* I'm proud of you

Drarrywillcoshipper7 has bianca 2 showed any powers yet?

Will: when she throws tantrums a bone will pop out of the ground or its gets really bright in room

Nico nods proudly

Drarrywillcoshipper7 Nico whats your 2nd fav color

Nico: Red I kinda want too dye my hair red

Will: *smirks* you would look hot

Nico: *sticks his toungue out*

Fav bands/singers/songs and does camp have a lgbtq+ support group

Nico: Mötley Crüe/Black Veil Brides/Falling In Reverse

Will: All Time Low/Jonas Brothers

Nico: songs for me would be Shout At The Devil/In The End/Popular Monster

Will: Don't have one love them all

Nico: and on the lgbtq+ one the answer is Yep I started it *grins*

Will: *pokes Nico cheek*

lunaticcrazy08 do you sing too your baby

Nico: I sing and Will plays the guitar she loves it

Will nods happily

BeanWithAnxiety Nico, Does Will snore in his sleep

Will: *looks at Nico curiously* do I?

Nico: *shrugs* only when you had a stressful day

Will: *nods thinking about this info*

Nico: well that was all see you guys next time

Will: *smiles and waves at you all*
Author: sorry for the wait guys I'll try better love you all byeeeee

Trans Nico (solangleo love story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now