the problems of short people

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Nico pov

Look you could guess the surprise faces we got she  we appear out of Tarturus with a baby but hey first time for everything

I handed Hazel the baby while Leo and I grabbed Jaeden I realized how light she was and frowned Leo picks her up bridal style and we walk back to the dragon Will and I share a seat with Leo and Jaden I hold the baby and sit in Wills lap and we fly off and i pass out

(Not wanting to write what happens there so we are time skipping when they arrive back in Italy )

I woke up in my bed I was wearing a shirt no binder and sweats I got up and walked around everyone was crowded around Jadens baby and my baby I watch from the door way seeing will play with Bianca I smiled and went to the kitchen to make me chocolate milk and eat a apple they all start laughing walking in the kitchen they see me and froze I frowning confusion then Jaden walk in then standing next to me they gasp in suprise we both look hella confused

"Oh my gods you two are finnaly up!" Annabeth yells hugging us we both cringe at the touch

"What are you talking about" I ask she pulls away Will walks over and kisses me and pulls away

"You and Jaden where out for a month" he says we freeze what....I look at Bianca she was bigger oh my gods I missed that much of her life already ...

"Give me my daughter" I whisper they look at me worried becausei looked upset they give me her I look at her she smiles at me Jaden was holding her daughter I sigh

"Sorry guys I'm just really upset I already missed a month with her " they nodded understanding Bianca giggled I smiled she was so cute gods I'm 16 and have a kid wait till this gets out to camp ...I'm gonna have to go back to camp it's the safest place for Bianca and that prophecy about her being powerful she gonna need training

"Hey I need to go to the store Will watch Bianca I go to my room and put binder and black clothes on

I rush out and go to the nearest store I walk in the store and head to the *shudders* female isle grabbing some pads but the ones I needed where on the top shelf ughhhhhhhhhh I got on my tippytoes and reached for them but then I fell into the shelf then on the ground knocking half then supplies on the ground I gasped oh no I can't let anyone see me like this dammit I quickly put things on the shelf but then when it came putting things back on the top shelf I groan I here someone trying not to laugh I turn over panicked but then relaxed but blushed on embarrassment Will hand his hand over his mouth he then came over and helped me put things back

"You know Nico you could have asked me to come with you I wouldn't have minded " he said I sigh

"I'm still uncomfortable about it " I mumble he glances at me and sighs kissing my cheek I smile I start walking to the food aisle it Will runs up behind me wrapping his flannel around my waist he whispers for me to head to the bathroom I blush knowing what he meant

Skippy skip skip

I walk out and Wills waiting for me I mouth thank you he smiles we got baby clothes and food I wanted to get this thing off a high shelf and try reaching for it but then Will picks me up and I could grab when he sat me down on my feet I sent him a glare he laughs

Dam short people problems

We walked to a few clothing aisles and someone gulped into me I fell they started Apologizing a lot and helped me up he had a few people behind him

"It's fi-" I froze seeing who it was my fanboy side started taking over the guys noticed my shirt and smirked

"A fan a Black Veil Brides I see" he laughs it was the great ANDYFUCKING BIERSACK LEAD SINGER! I see the rest of the band behind him and take a deep breath

"Y-yeah I am it's nice too meet you" I said Will comes up behind me he notices them and laughs knowing my obsession with the band

"I Will and this is Nico " he said I smile they shake my hands and and Wills we started having a conversation  well Will talked to them I tried not to squeal stupid girl hormonesI need to see about getting testosterone soon

"Well well well " I hear a voice I froze and backed up falling into Will and Andy they looked confused but Will looked up and gasp the band looked confused

"We need to go" I whisper Will nodded we apologize to the band but ran to the cashier payed and ran out we walk home quickly but the BVB bus pulled up

"Hey let us take you home" they said I nodded and hopped in I directed to go out house they asked questions which Will answered for me since I did not want to talk Will gave them his and mine phone number and we waved bye and we got in the house when I was aloud to gave a full blown panic attack

"Robbie......he's back" I mumbles shaking tears falling

Trans Nico (solangleo love story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now